
53.  Merging Laggards

with J. Padilla and P. Reynolds

Journal of Competition Law and Economics, forthcoming.

52. Optimal Exit Policy with Uncertain Demand

with M. Bisceglia, J. Padilla and J. Perkins

Journal of Industrial Economics, accepted.  

51 On the Ratchet Effect with Product Market Competition

with M. Bisceglia

RAND Journal of Economics, accepted

50. On the Bright Side of Market Concentration in the Healthcare Industry

with M. Bisceglia, J. Padilla, and P. Sääskilahti 

Online Appendix

Journal of Health Economics, accepted.

49.  Upstream Conduct and Price Authority with Competing Organizations

with E. Andreu, D. Neven and R. Venturini

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, accepted.

Online Appendix

48. On Excessive Entry in Bayes-Cournot Oligopoly.

with M. Bisceglia, J. Padilla and J. Perkins

RAND Journal of Economics, accepted.  

47.  Price Authority and Information Sharing  with Competing Supply Chains

with E. Andreu and D. Neven  

International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming.

Online Appendix

46.  M&A Advisory and the Merger Review Proces

with M. Bisceglia and E. Tarantino

International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming.

Online Appendix

45. The Value of Transparency in Dynamic Contracting with Entry

with G. Karakoc and M. Pagnozzi

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2022).

Online Appendix

44. Vertical Integration, Innovation and Foreclosure with Competing Ecosystems 

with M. Bisceglia, J. Padilla and S. Shekhar

Information Economics and Policy, (2022).

43. Business models, consumer data and privacy in platform markets

with J. Padilla and H. Vasconcelos

Journal of Industrial Business and Economics, (2022).

42. On the Risk of Using a Firm-Level Approach  to Identify Relevant Markets

with J. Padilla and P. Sääskilahti

Journal of Competition Law and Economics, (2022).

41. Vertical Contracting with Endogenous Market Structure

with M. Pagnozzi and M. Reisinger 

Journal of Economic Theory,  (2022). 

40. Optimal Pricing, Private Information and Search for an Outside Offer

with S. Auster and N. Kos 

RAND Journal of Economics, (2021)

39. When Prohibiting Wholesale Price-Parity Agreements May Harm Consumers

with M. Bisceglia and J. Padilla 

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2021).

Online Appendix

38.   Should Vertically Integrated Platforms be Mandated to Share Information with their Rivals?

with J. Padilla and H. Vasconcelos 

Economic Letters (2022).

37.  Self-Preferencing in Markets with Vertically-Integrated Gatekeeper Platforms

with J. Padilla and J. Perkins

Journal of Industrial Economics (2022).

see the VoxEU blog here

36. Vertical Price Restrains and Free Entry under Asymmetric Information

with L. Bonazzi and R. Fiocco 

Journal of Industrial Economics, (2022).

35. The Simple Economics of Wholesale Price-Parity Agreements: the Case of the Airline Tickets Distribution Industry

with J. Padilla and N. Watson 

Journal of Competition Law and Economics, (2021).

34. Fighting Mobile Crime

with R. Crinò and G. Immordino 

Journal of Public Economic Theory, (2020).

33. Optimal Leniency and the Organization Design of Group Crime

with G. Immordino and P. Roberti 

Journal of Public Economics, (2020). 

32.  Does Direct Connect Benefit Travelers?

with J. Padilla

Economics Letters, (2020). 

31.  Marginal Deterrence at Work

with R. Crinò and G. Immordino

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2019).

30.  Organized Crime, Violence, and Politics  

with A. Alesina and P. Pinotti 

Review of Economic Studies. Lead article, Vol 86(2), March (2019) . NBRwp

Press release about this paper

29. Corruption, Organized Crime, and the Bright Side of Subversion of Law 

with A. Gamba and G. Immordino

Journal of Public Economics, (2018).

28. Consumer Loss Aversion, Product Experimentation and Implicit Collusion 

with A. Pignataro

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2018).

27.  Selling Information to Competitive Firms 

with J. Kastl and  M. Pagnozzi

RAND Journal of Economics, (2018).

26. Terrorism, Counterterrorism and Optimal Striking Rules

with G. Karakoc and G Immordino

Revue Economique, (2018). 

25. Contracting with Endogenous Entry

with M. Pagnozzi,

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2017).

24. Deceptive Advertising with Rational Buyers 

with G. Ursino and P. Tedeschi

Management Science, (2017).

23. Two is Company, N is a Crowd? Merchant Guilds and Social Capital

with R. Dessì

European Economic Review, (2016).

22. Organized Crime, Insider Information and Optimal Leniency

with G. Immordino

Economic Journal, (2017).

21. Non-Exclusive Financial Advice 

with G. Puopolo and L. Vasconcelos 

Review of Finance, (2016)

20. Product Variety with Competing Supply Chains 

with M. Bassi and M. Pagnozzi

Journal of Industrial Economics, (2016).

19. The Value of Transparency in Multidivisional Firms

with E. Tarantino and G. Ursino

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2015).

18. How Limiting Deceptive Practices Harms Consumers

with P. Tedeschi and G. Ursino

RAND Journal of Economics, (2015).

17. Transparency and Product Differentiation with Competing Vertical Hierarchies

with M. Bassi and M. Pagnozzi

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, (2015).

16. Endogenous Residual Claimancy by Vertical Hierarchies

with A. Gonzalez and R. Martina

Economics Letters, (2014).

15. Optimal Contracting with Altruism and Reciprocity 

with M. Bassi and M. Pagnozzi

Research in Economics, (2014). 

14. Multiple-Bank Lending, Creditor Rights and Information Sharing

with A. Bennardo and M. Pagano

Review of Finance, (2014).

13. Competitive Markets with Endogenous Health Risks

with A. Bennardo

Journal of the European Economic Association, (2014).

12. Accomplice-Witnesses and Organized Crime: Theory and Evidence from Italy

with A. Acconcia, G. Immordino and P. Rey

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, (2014).

Press release about this article (Il Sole 24Ore).

11. Information Sharing between Vertical Hierarchies

with M. Pagnozzi

Games and Economic Behavior,(2013).

10. Delegation and R&D Spending: Evidence from Italy 

with D. Martimort and J. Kastl

Journal of Industrial Economics,(2013).

9. Colluding through Suppliers 

with J. Miklos-Thal

RAND Journal of Economics, (2012).

8. Vertical Separation with Private Contracts 

with M. Pagnozzi

Economic Journal, (2011).

7. Exclusive Territories and Manufacturers' Collusion 

with M. Reisinger

Management Science, (2011).

6. When Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade?: New Insights from Asymmetric Information

with D. Martimort and J. Kastl 

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, (2011). 

5. A Note on Free Entry under Uncertainty: on the Role of Asymmetric Information

Economics Letters, (2011).

4. The Strategic Value of Quantity Forcing Contracts

with D. Martimort

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2010).

3. Vertical Restraints under Asymmetric Information: on the Role of Participation Constraints 

with A. Acconcia and R. Martina

Journal of Industrial Economics, (2008).

2. Product Market Competition and Organizational Slack under Profit-Target Contracts

with M. D'Amato and R. Martina

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2008).

1. Resale Price Maintenance under Asymmetric Information 

with D. Martimort

International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2007).