Salmon Beach Committee Fall 2016 General Meeting – Budget Discussion and Approval Minutes

Salmon Beach Committee

Fall General Meeting – Budget Discussion and Approval


Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 10:00 am

Salmon Beach, BC

Present: - Salmon Beach Committee (SBC): Terry Graff, Jill Maibach, Kel Roberts and

Ellen Peet.

- Russell Dyson, ACRD Chief Administrative Officer

- Tony Bennett, Area C Director

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 am by Chairman Kel Roberts.

The Agenda was posted at

Attendance: 49 lots were represented. Approximately 75 people attended including guests.

Introduction: Kel Roberts

1. Kel introduced all committee members and guests.

2. Attendees were asked to stand and state their name when making a comment or asking a question at the meeting, and to limit their time allotment.


1. Chairman – Kel Roberts

a. Please refer to the Salmon Beach Committee website or google Salmon Beach Committee for updates on developments/progress at Salmon Beach.

b. Kel announced that the SBC has had a busy 6 months dealing with contract issues, water and well proposals, the gathering place, and reviewing the road grading contract with Deer Bay. Recommendations will be required for the grading contract in March 2017.

c. A review with the ACRD of issues around the removal of trees surrounding the sani-field and catch basins, as well as road rights of way has also been ongoing.

d. Kel reported on the possibility by the Ministry of Forests of top dressing 2 kms of the Barkley Main.

e. The Wendy Creek Bridge – little to report other than the MOF has stated that the Wendy Creek Bridge replacement is still under review, and they will provide the engineering and environmental oversite.

2. Area C Director – Tony Bennett

a. Tony reported that there has been a meeting with the Toquaht Nation, Mike Irg from the ACRD, and Kirsten Johnsen a Director from Toquaht regarding the Toquaht Nation treaty. The Malnuth Treaty and the Toquaht Nation treaty lands were under discussion. The focus was education, treaty borders, and the importance that we all show respect of treaty lands. There was also concern regarding the 180 day occupancy allowance at Salmon Beach. There was interest in our sewage field, the capacity and flows, and they were assured that there is confidence in the checks and balances on our system. Tony also mentioned that there is now a contract with the RCMP and 10 officers have been hired to be the “watchers” of the territory.

b. Audience members inquired where to dump vegetation and yard waste. Tony cautioned that there is no fire protection for us, so we must be very careful, and suggested that such refuse should go to the regional landfill. We are not allowed to dump on private lands.

c. An audience member requested a garbage bin at Big Beach.

d. Wayne Skippen suggested that we could use the fire pit at the park to burn refuse.

3. ACRD CAO – Russell Dyson

a. Russell reported on the West Coast Assistant position. It was to be a 1 year temporary position, and reviewed as to success at the end of one year. The position was to entail being a liaison between the SB community, the SBC and the ACRD. One of the goals is for oversite of contracts. The SBC, with much input from the community, is concerned with the cost vs. benefit of the position. The ACRD agrees that the position is open to further discussion with the SBC.

-Chris McGregor questioned why the WC Asst. is being brought back for another year.

- Russell asked that when there are concerns with the WC Asst., they be brought to his attention at the time and to include specifics.

-Dave Ingram asked the current status of the position, and suggests that it be on a short term basis while the ‘review’ is going on. He doesn’t see the value of having someone onsite, as there is usually deference to checking with someone at the ACRD for a decision anyway.

-Russell said that there needs to be someone for oversite, and the current position is a contract position. There isn’t a lot of work at Salmon Beach, perhaps 1 to 1.5 days/week. Contractors cannot be employees of the ACRD, and must meet Work Safe parameters.

-Dave Ingram suggested that the Building Inspector could possibly do 2 duties. Russell responded that the Bldg. Inspector has a higher wage rate, and in any case they are swamped with inspector duties, so there are no hours available.

-Brian Hurd, 2nd Ave., calculates that the WC Asst. wage is $105/hour. He pointed out that the previous person was here full time. He is concerned that the position is carrying on with no action today, and asked for a vote by attendees at the meeting.

-Tony B. said that the ACRD Board is now 13 people, and that theirs is the final decision on the topic. We need a mutually agreed upon process, but there needs to be oversite in any case. He also chose to point out that the cost of the position has been reduced by $35,000/year.

-Dave Ingram reminded us that we pay for services via our parcel tax.

-Russell stated that the way it works is that all services are paid for by taxes and they fall under the province. An area can either have an improvement district, which is not available anymore, or services can be run through a regional district, as in our current case, or we can become our own municipality. The SBC is an advisory committee, and the new bylaw, recently adopted, states that. We also have Tony B. to assist us. Those are our options for tax distribution and governing.

-Jill Maibach stated that as a committee member, but also a community member, she is driven by community desires. She requests a show of hands indicating the community’s desire and feelings on the importance of the West Coast Assistant position.

-Tony wanted to make it clear that the final decision is made by the ACRD Board, so we need to know our expectation.

-Stephen Lucas has a concern for security and thinks we have none.

-Kel reminded us that our lots are fee simple, and security becomes our own responsibility.

-Lorne Campbell wishes to vote on whether to have the WC Asst. position.

Kim stated that Chantal advised her that the gate was not “authorized”.

-Carole Todd asked if we are designated a resort community, and pointed out that there are several businesses operating at Salmon Beach.

-Tony B. stated that though we have always been zoned marine recreational, it is widely known that marine access was never workable for our community. He admits that removal of the word ‘marine’ is underway.

-Russell reminded us that Chantal’s position and cost will be evaluated at the end of the year.

Motion #1: Moved by Dave Ingram and seconded by Lorne Campbell, that those in favor of removing the routine onsite West Coast Assistant from Salmon Beach, and having someone available on an as needed basis should signify by a show of hands. And that the community directs the SBC to review the position with this desire in mind. Carried by show of hands.

b. Russell then updated us on the water situation and the well report. Wells #10 and #2 are on private property. Many of the wells have easements attached. The ACRD has no rights regarding the wells. He recognizes the need for potable community water. He decided that there was a need for professional advice regarding how to move forward and asked GW Solutions for a proposal along those lines. A report, not the requested proposal, was prepared without authorization for a cost of $14,000. Russell had that reduced to $10,000. He stated that the $10,000 has to be paid out of capital. The report recommends that a new well be drilled. The SBC has asked that the ACRD Board review this expense and how it will be paid. The report is a draft, so it was in-camera at the recent SBC/ACRD meeting.

Russell is aware that the Minister of Environment has contacted some well owners, and is not pleased with this action.

The ACRD staff is to check well #2 and do water testing, etc.

-Carole Todd suggests that the town of Anyox, BC may be a helpful resource.

-Russell feels that the ACRD needs this report in the long run.

-Clinton Eggum reported that when several wells were decommissioned years ago, the well heads and handles went missing, and asked if we still have those. Russell asked that people contact him regarding such specifics. And he also offered to try to locate the missing items.

-An audience member has a well on her property and is concerned whether she would be liable if people got sick from the water in that well. Russell advised her to take precautions.

-Kel stated that the Developer of Salmon Beach drilled one well for every 12 lots, and he believes the intent was for community water source. He reminded us that there was a time when some wells were regularly tested, and says it is up to individual well owners how they proceed, keeping in mind that many wells have easements on them.

-Gary Bingham stated that pressurized wells require thought and engineering to assure water availability for users. We need to evaluate where we are going with regard to water, produce sufficient water and have an allocation schedule. We should look to the future and attempt to find solutions together that solve our existing water problems.

-There are many gray areas concerning the wells at this time.

-Jill Maibach reported that at the August 25th meeting between the SBC and the ACRD, the SBC suggested that wells #10 & #2 be pumped and investigated before considering drilling a new well. Russell stated that the ACRD, through their water department, will do this testing and the cost covered by the ACRD. The SBC certainly feels that this testing should happen in the near future.

-Gary Bingham advised that the science is hydrogeology and says that shows what is below the well. The well near him is Well #9.

c. Russell reiterated that the Toquaht is becoming full members of the ACRD Board of Directors, so all four nations of the treaty will now be Board members.

d. Emergency preparedness – more emphasis is being placed on our area.

-An audience member asked whether we have emergency cans containing emergency preparedness equipment. Kel stated that he did investigate that option previously through the ACRD and no federal funds were available at that time.

e. Administration Building - Kel reviewed the proposals presented so far by the ACRD regarding the admin. building.

-Kel offered to research again the building he had a quote for a few years ago.

-Tony suggested that we do have options. Perhaps we want to give direction to the SBC to budget funds for such a building, with specifics to be determined at a later date. We can set the budget, but certainly don’t have to spend the funds. Then budget additional funds in the 2018 budget so that at least there are funds accumulating if the community decides that it wants to go that way.

-Gary Bingham suggests financing through the ACRD and look into such financing for a period of 20 years, for example.

-Kel responded that if that is the case, then it would go to referendum.

-Dave Ingram wishes to have communication on this topic on the website between now and the May meeting, so that some progress can be made at a faster pace.

f. Kevin Middlemiss asked about alder tree bylaws.

g. Stephen Lucas stated that a large tree fell into the catch basin on Front Street some years ago, and it is now quite overgrown. Russell stated that he will research this.

h. The Deer Bay grading contract for Salmon Beach road is complete in March 2017. It will go out for tender. Kel reported that the Ministry of Forests had proposed to take over our section of the road too, prior to the letting of the last contract. There is a possibility of that in the future, but we would need to have a one year contract for the SB road to March 2018. If we were able to join in the Forestry contract that would most likely reduce the price and improve the service. Dave Ingram asked if we would extend the Deer Bay for one year? Russell will keep this in mind.

i. Brian Hurd stated that the grading seems to be on a loose schedule and wonders who keeps tract of those funds, for example if its only done 8 instead of the designated 12 times/year. He was assured that Deer Bay is paid per grade. Brian also wondered who makes the determination when the grading is done. Kel responded that the WC Asst. makes the decision. Clinton Eggum stated that the road was graded last Monday and it was a poor job.

New Business:

1. 2017 Salmon Beach Proposed Budget – Kel Roberts

a. There has been discussion regarding in fill on the North side of Short Street. A quote for $55,000 to $65,000 has been obtained. The audience was asked for a show of hands whether to move forward with this expense. There was no audience support to spend such funds at this time.

b. Dust control – Kel asked if we should continue with the current dust control practice. Terry Graff reported that people want Front Street done, and asked if it is the wish of the community to do more of this. Motion #2: Moved by Ellen Peet and seconded by Gina Skippen that the dust control budget be increased to $20,000. Carried by show of hands.

c. Kel discussed infrastructure for drainage, and standardized pipes in the ground. The ACRD is obtaining information as to how to move forward with improving our drainage infrastructure.

d. Memorial Bench – Gina Skippen stated that some lot owners have shown an interest in memorial benches. She suggested that should the community wish to move forward with obtaining a bench, funds from the SB Social events fund could be utilized for this purpose. Individuals could then buy a plaque, at their own expense, and have it placed on the bench. Several plaques would fit on one bench. Clinton Eggum researched benches and found precast concrete benches that would cost approx. $2100 including insets to accommodate several plaques. Len Jerrit did not support the idea. Jill Maibach reminded us that the Social Events fund is $2000 annually.

Motion #3: Moved by Gina Skippen and seconded by Colleen Zdan that a memorial bench be purchased, in an amount not to exceed $2100, to be placed at Salmon Beach at a location yet to be determined. In favor 21, opposed 33. The motion failed.

e. Sanitation: The biffy at Big Beach has been removed. Ryan Smith reports that some people are using the biffies as their primary toilet. They are excessively overused and being abused. This behavior impacts our sani-field, it is hard on the truck and the system. “If it goes in your mouth then it is acceptable to go into the sani-field.” Please anticipate your pumping needs as there is often a waiting list. Your alarm is your responsibility! No wipes, garbage, plastics, diapers, condoms, or feminine hygiene products belong in our sani- field.

-Jill Maibach asked Ryan if he feels the porta potties are a threat to our sani-field. Ryan does not believe they are safe, and also says that during the 5 years he has been operating the pump truck each year there is more abuse.

-Gary Bingham agrees that he has been hearing of these problems for so long. He reminds us that the sani-field is essential to our health, well-being and recreational lifestyle and we must protect it with all our determination.

-Colleen Zdan believes there should be a biffy at the playground for the children.

-Bea Jacobs believes the problem lies with weekend visitors and requires increased education.

Motion #4: Moved by Ellen Peet and seconded by Dave Ingram that the two remaining biffies be removed as soon as possible. In favor 26, opposed 25. Carried by show of hands.

-There was discussion regarding if the contractor, during a pump out, finds inappropriate items that present danger to the sani-field, he should have the authority to stop the pump and notify the ACRD. The offender could be fined, but what would the method of enforcement be?

-The blue sani totes need to be addressed. These are private lot owners having access to the sani-field, with no oversite by the contractor and could cause problems that the contractor would not know about in a timely manner.

-Dawn Sanders reported that someone filled their holding tank in their absence.

-Gary Bingham suggests we post guidelines on acceptable sani-field behavior.

-It was suggested that the ACRD and SBC come back to the May meeting with recommendations on the broader issue of the future of our sanitation.

f. Jill Maibach reported that the SBC has not received any detail on the West Coast Assistant position.

g. Bea Jacobs asked if the Wendy Creek Bridge improvement is still being pursued. Tony responded that he is not sure, and knows that resources are needed. It is the license holder who would be responsible for maintenance on an as needed basis.

h. Tony B. recommended that the community move that the SBC move forward with discussion regarding sanitation, and the future needs over the next 5 years, and to look at our options.

i. Dave Ingram suggested that we look at sanitation options on our own land, with a focus on long term solutions.

j. Stan Yates suggested that his son James should be contacted regarding sanitation options. Kel said he will try again to contact him.

k. Catch basin discussions – alder removal on 3rd, on 4th, and on Front Street is needed, and trimming is needed around the sani- field. Funds are available for this.

l. The bylaw changing our zoning from marine recreational to recreational residential is still pending. The going is very slow.

m. The gathering place – drawings to complete the hand rails, etc. were submitted to the ACRD some time ago. Environmental Dynamics Inc. looked at the site on August 12th and provided a report dated August 22, 2016, which determines that “the limited foodprint, type and extent of the recent works do not represent any significant harmful impacts to the marine environment or any fisheries resource”.

n. Liability insurance coverage for volunteers – Ken Lunde reported that Wynna Jorgensen’s daughter, Janna, an organizational leadership consultant, from Janna Jorgensen Consulting, is volunteering her time to report on this. The two areas of concern are the playground and the boat ramp. She thinks that we would probably be covered by ACRD liability ins., as long as we do not encroach on other contracts. She will have something in detail to report in the future. A list of volunteers and of volunteer jobs needs to be prepared.

o. Kevin Middlemiss mentions that it is easy to make rules, but how do they get circulated so that everyone is educated.

p. SB Community Events – Gina Skippen.

-The Canada Day parade was excellent, and thanks to Colleen Zdan and Jean Kirinsic. The Sand Castle event had 12 family groups participate, thanks to Cindy and Ken Lunde, Wynna Jorgensen, France Chapeau, Gary Bingham, Colleen Zdan, and Jill Maibach, and especially to Ken Lunde for creating the fabulous prizes. The Art Walk was a success, and thanks to Jean Collingwood for the map. Don’t forget the Ladder Ball tournament at 2 pm today. The theme for New Year’s Eve is “Fire and Ice”. For further information please contact

General Vote for 2017 Salmon Beach proposed budget: Kel asked for approval of the 2017 proposed budget, as amended to include the increase by $10,000 to $20,000 for dust control, bringing the budget total to $378,250. Approved by show of hands.

The calculated parcel tax is approximately $995.39/lot.

Meeting adjourned at 1:25 pm.

Minutes recorded by Karen Bennett

Handouts: Agenda

SB 2017 Proposed Budget