Actin Filament Tracing

Bundle Trac

Summary: BundleTrac is an effective method for tracing hundreds of filaments in an Actin bundle. It is a semi-automatic modeling approach in which a seed point is provided for each filament. BundleTrac works in two steps. The first step improves the filamentous pattern present in the image using cross-correlation-based averaging. In the subsequent step, individual filaments are traced employing a 7-peaks Gaussian kernel and 2D-convolution optimization. When applied to an experimental density image of Stereocilium, BundleTrac yields high agreement with manual annotation

Spaghetti Tracer

Summary: Spaghetti Tracer is  a dynamic programming-based automatic framework designed to characterize the structural arrangement of semi-regular filaments within complex 3D maps of subcellular components. Assuming the tomogram can be rotated to align filaments along a mean direction, Spaghetti Tracer initially identifies local seed points for potential filament segments. These segments are then expanded from the seeds using a dynamic programming algorithm. To assess its effectiveness, we validate various algorithmic variations of our framework using simulated tomograms that closely resemble the noise and appearance of real experimental maps. By leveraging the known ground truth within these simulations, we conduct a statistical analysis, including precision, recall, and F1 scores, which demonstrates  the efficacy of Spaghetti Tracer.

Struuweel Tracer

Summary: Struuwel Tracer is a novel computational framework for tracing randomly-oriented actin filaments in cryo-electron tomography maps. The method accumulates densities along paths from seed points, forming short linear filament segments that are then scrutinized and classified using a pruning map. These segments are iteratively fused into longer and curved filaments based on various criteria. Testing on simulated tomograms of Dictyostelium discoideum filopodia and experimental tomograms of mouse fibroblast lamellipodia shows high efficacy, with F1-scores ranging from 0.85 to 0.90.

Relevant Publications:

[J2] Sazzed, S., Song, J., Kovacs, J.A., Wriggers, W., Auer, M., and He, J., Tracing actin filament bundles in three-dimensional electron tomography density maps of hair cell stereocilia, In Molecules, 2018.

Impact Factor: 4.6

[J1] Song, J.; Patterson, R.; Metlagel, Z.; Krey, J.F.; Hao, S.; Wang, L.; Ng, B.; Sazzed, S.; Kovacs, J.; Wriggers, W., He, J., Barr-Gillespie P. G., and Auer, M. , A cryo-tomography-based volumetric model of the actin core of mouse vestibular hair cell stereocilia lacking plastin 1, In Journal of Structural Biology, 2020.

Impact Factor: 3.0

[C1] Haslam, D.; Sazzed, S.; Wriggers, W.; Kovcas, J.; Song, J.; Auer, M.; & He, J, A Pattern Recognition Tool for Medium-Resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps and Low-Resolution Cryo-ET Density Maps, In International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA), 2018.

Relevant Publications:

[J1] Sazzed, S., Scheible, P., He, J., & Wriggers, W.;, Spaghetti Tracer: A Framework for Tracing Semiregular Filamentous Densities in 3D Tomograms, In Biomolecules, 2022.

Impact Factor: 5.5

[C2] Sazzed, S., Scheible, P., He, J., & Wriggers, W., Tracing filaments in simulated 3D cryo-electron tomography maps using a fast dynamic programming algorithm , In IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021.

[C1] Scheible, P.; Sazzed, S;, He, J.; & Wriggers, W., Tomosim: Simulation of filamentous cryo- electron tomograms, In IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021.

Relevant Publications:

[J1] Sazzed, S., Scheible, P., He, J., & Wriggers, W., Untangling Irregular Actin Cytoskeleton Architectures in Tomograms of the Cell With Struwwel Tracer , International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS), 2023 .

Impact Factor: 5.6

[C1] Sazzed, S., Scheible, P., He, J., & Wriggers, W., Tracing Randomly Oriented Filaments in a Simulated Actin Network Tomogram , In IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2022.