Lab Tour
Electrochemistry: Potentio-/Galvano-stats (25 Channels with Impedance spectrometry)
Potentio-/Galvano-stat coupled with RRDE setup × 2
Material Synthesis: Furnace (max 1150 degree Celsius, possible with N2 or Ar atmosphere) × 2
Organic Synthesis Setups
Glovebox × 2
In-Situ Approach: Realtime Electrochemical Mass-Spectrometry, In-Situ Electrochemical IR Spectroscopy,
In-Situ Electrochemical Raman Spectroscopy
Standard Analysis: XRD, TEM/STEM (Cs correction, HR mode, EDS, EELS etc.), SEM, XRF, XPS, N2-sorption measurement, STM, UV-Vis, and more
Theoretical Modeling: Workstations and Programs for First-Principle Calculation of Atomic-Scale Materials Modeling
Others: Milli-Q water, and special/state-of-the-art equipment/measurements with collaboration
Fun: Football Club NIMS (therefore you'll never walk alone...)
How to get to EnergyX Lab: 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan.