EnergyX Lab

Shed Light on Nature's Principles,  Give Solutions for Our Society

OPPORTUNITIES of Electrochemistry Projects at NIMS for Your Carrier:

Please send your CV / inquire to Prof. Sakaushi:

The successful candidates will join the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) to obtain your degree with NIMS Fellowship (Master student: ca. 2,000,000JPY per annum, PhD student ca. 2,400,000JPY per annum). Students with distinction have an opportunity for a Fellowship with a higher scale.

 筑波大学大学院に進学し坂牛研究室で研究をすることに興味のある方は、その旨をsakaushi.ken@nims.go.jpまで送ってください 。また、給与支給制度(下記)や大学院進学に際しての入学料免除・授業料免除の制度に関しても気軽にご相談ください。


HERE for your inquire.

Fearture: financial supports for daily allowance and accommodation fee for the excellent students from all over the world. The internship period is up to 60 consecutive calendar days. See this page in the officila web page of NIMS for the details.

HERE for your inquire if you are highly motivated to join our group.


Exciting Lecture Marathon in Taiwan DAY 2! 

On DAY 2, I had the pleasure of visiting National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu City. This prestigious university is renowned for its strength in science and technology. 

Hsinchu is a vibrant and energetic city, home to the R&D centre of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). It's a hub where scientists, researchers, and engineers from all over the world gather.

I was warmly welcomed by the university community, especially by Professors Ho-Hsiu Chou, Tung-Han Yang, Yung-Tin Pan, and Kun-Han Lin—exceptional rising stars in their fields. Their hospitality was truly heartwarming.

The lecture was a great success, and I enjoyed engaging discussions with the professors. It was a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas and build connections. I look forward to further collaborations and encourage students who are passionate about science to consider joining us. Let's explore the future of technology together!

Exciting Lecture Marathon in Taiwan DAY 1! 

I recently embarked on a lecture marathon in Taiwan, and what an incredible experience it has been! On DAY 1, I visited National Cheng Kung University in Tainan City, one of the top universities in Taiwan. 

The warm hospitality from everyone, especially Prof. Hong-Kang Tian, truly touched me.  A special highlight was having lunch at the same place where Nobel Laureate Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee once dined—what an honour! 

My lecture was a great success, and I had thrilling interactions with my colleagues, sparking engaging discussions. We ended the day with a delightful dinner at a unique restaurant, enjoying the delicious local cuisine of Tainan. 

I'm excited about the connections made and look forward to future collaborations. If you’re interested in joining our research group, we’d love to hear from you!

Spontaneous‐Spin‐Polarized 2D π‐d Conjugated Frameworks Towards Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Kinetics”  was published in Small!

This is a collaboration with Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Nishihara (Tokyo University of Science), Prof. Dr. Hong-Kang Tian (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), and many other colleagues.

Thank you very much for your efforts!

Visit of Prof Soren B Scott from the University of Copenhagen

We had a great guest from Denmark and spent a good time to disucss his science and to enjoy Yakiniku, the Japanese-style BBQ!

The 1st RIST International Symposium "Chemistry and Physics of Coordination Nanosheet"

What a wonderful symposium! We had great international speakers. Thank you for your exciting talks and keep in touch!

List of speakers:

Prof. Dr. Deqing Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Feng Liu (University of Utah)

Prof. Dr. Henning Sirringhaus (University of Cambridge)

Prof. Dr. Katherine A. Mirica (Dartmouth College)

Prof. Dr. Kazuhito Tsukagoshi (National Institute for Material Science)

Prof. Dr. Ken Sakaushi (National Institute for Material Science)

Prof. Dr. Mitsuhiko Shionoya (Tokyo University of Science)

Prof. Dr. Nian Lin (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Prof. Dr. Rie Makiura (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Prof. Dr. Ryota Sakamoto (Tohoku University)

Prof. Dr. Smaranda C. Marinescu (University of Southern California)

Prof. Dr. Tetsuya Kambe (Osaka University)

Prof. Dr. Wai-Yeung Wong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Prof. Dr. Xinliang Feng (Technische Universität Dresden)  

NIMS President Prize for Young Scientists goes to Dr Kumeda!

Dr Kumeda was selected as one of the best young scientists in NIMS. Well deserved! 

The 2nd Hydorgen Seminar of Tsukuba

Great success! Togather with Prof Kondo (U Tsukuab) and Prof Takeyasu (Hokkaido U), we had an inspiring time on hydrogen-oriented science! 

Great Success of Ulia for Her Stay in NIMS

Ulia from Professor Charl FJ Faul's group at the University of Bristol has completed her resarch stay in NIMS.

She have learned an in-situ electrochemical IR technique and obtained wonderful results. 

We are looking forward to seeing your great science in the future.

Beautiful Science in Copenhagen, Denmark

Thank you very much for this wonderful time at Technical University of Denmark!

It was my honor to have deep scientific dialogues with Prof. Ib Chorkendorff and Prof. Jakob Kibsgaard.

Visit of Prof. Xuehua Zhang

Many thanks for Prof. Zhang (University of Alberta, Canada) for visiting NIMS and provided a wonderful talk as the 95th GREEN Seminar!
We keep in touch.

2023 Year End Lunch

Many thanks for your great activities! We wish your beautiful holiday season and wonderful year of 2024.

Human-Machine Collaboration for Accelerated Discovery of Promising Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts with On-Demand Elements”  was published in ACS Central Science!

Our work was selected as a Supplementary Cover!

This is an in-house collaboration with Dr. Ryo Tamura.

2023 JSPS-EPSRC-DFG Workshop on 2D conjugated MOFs and coordination nanosheets at TU Dresden (Germany)

It was a great opportunity to see nice friends on this community! Many thanks for Prof. Dr. Xinliang Feng and Dr. Yang Lu at TU Dresden/Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics!

Also, many thanks for Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel at TU Dresden for providing his time even he is so busy as serving as the dean.

We enjoy the great sciences and also beautiful Christmas in Dresden. It was the 589th Christmas Market of Dresden for this year.

Cations Determine the Mechanism and Selectivity of Alkaline Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Pt(111)”  was published in Angewandte Chemie!

This is a collaborative work with Dr. Marko M Melander at University of Jyväskylä (Finland).

Our paper is selected as a HOT PAPER. Thanks for this great work, Kumeda san and all colleagues!

German-Japanese Junior Experts Exchange Program 2023 "Green Hydorgen Technology" in Japan

Great opportunity to see nice friends on Green Hydorgen Technology. We will see in the near future again!

We are indebted to the German and Japanese organizers!

NIMS-RIKEN Mini-Workshop on Advanced Electrochemical Science

It is so great to see great electrochemists from Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team (Nakamura Lab) and discuss on the state-of-the-art electrochemical sciences.

We are also very happy that RIKEN team is interested in our experimental approaches.

FY2023 Physical Electrochemistry Course at The University of Tokyo

Thank you for this great opportunity to give a course on physical electrochemistry!

This was a wonderful experience. 

NIMS-NCKU Mini-Workshop

Prof. Hong-Kang Tian of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, and his group members visited NIMS and we had a wonderful mini-workshop.

Thank you very much for providing interesting talks, and also great "spirits" and sweets of Taiwan.

We will see in Taiwan next time.

We thank also Prof. Ishikawa of Tokyo Institute of Technology to join us.

4th Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium

The opening remark from Mr. Edward Patte, the Director of Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium at National Academy of Sciences USA.

Great interactions on frontiers of sciences were made at Dresden, Germany.

We all are indebted to JSPS, AvF and NAS USA.

Great Talk of Prof. Yamada at The Ceramic Society of Japan The 36th Fall Meeting at Kyoto

Prof. Atsuo Yamada at The University of Tokyo, one of Top Battery Leaders, delivered a great talk on advanded battery materials and future direction on battery material research. Thank you for coming right after the talk at ISE at Lyon, France!

Furthermore, Kyoto was found to be a Ramen City!

Mission Completed! : NIMS Internship 2023

Sato san completed her two-week-internship program in NIMS. Great job!

We gave her a box of sweets from one of the best pâtisseries in this region.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Tokyo Office Director Came to NIMS

Mr. Karpenstein, the director of DAAD Tokyo Office, came to NIMS for discussing the possibilities for future collaboration with German institutions.

Thank you for communicating with researchers and also with students in NIMS!

We are very happy to expand our networks with Germany. 

NIMS Internship

Sato san (National Institute of Technology, Tsuruoka College) joins as an 2023 NIMS Internship Student.


NIMS Open House 2023

Thank you for visiting our institute!

And the students are thankful for demonstrating electrochemical experiments! Good job!

Prof. Mirica's Wonderful Talk!

Prof. Katherine A. Mirica of Dartmouth College (USA) delivered a wonderful talk.

It is always great to learn a new science on materials.

Keep in touch, Katherine!

The University's Faculty BBQ 

It is a great honor to join this invited faculty BBQ.

Wonderful to see the senior colleagues and emiriti!

Social Gathering!

Thank you for sharing a nice moment togher with us. It was really beautiful to see alumni and also communicate with colleagus from other groups.

All the best for your science!

Wonderful Power Ramen Lunch

With a nice colleague at the University of Tsukuba of Prof. Takeyasu, we visited one of the best Ramen places in Tsukuba "Onimonogatari (鬼者語)".

A new concept on "Kaedama (替え玉)" was quite impressive. 

Come to Tsukuba and let's go here! 

German-Japanese Junior Experts Exchange Program 2023 "Green Hydorgen Technology"

A fascinating visit to Germany for experiencing ongoing dynamic transformation into a zero-emission society! We are indebted to German's Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).

We visited so many institutions/private sectors and had fruitful discussions focusing on future collaboration for green hydorgen R&D. Taking photo was not allowed in the most cases (Note: this is normal).

1st row: BMBF@Bonn, RWTH Aachen, Leuna Werke

2nd row: Wind Turbines@NW, Leipziger Statwerke and H2 Gas Turbine

3rd row: Rose@Stuttgart, Fritz-Haber-Institute@Berlin

Beside green hydrogen, special opportunties were provided.

4th row: Pilgermesse at Heiligtumsfahrt Aachen. A fortune to attend this hitorical event. Heiligtumsfahrt is usually for each 7 years however this time was since 9 years due to the pandemic. The Marienkleides was shown (left). At a historical beer garden in Berlin (middle/right).

5th row: Berliner Philharmoniker


Robert Schumann, Genoveva op. 81: Ouvertüre
Béla Bartók, Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 Sz 95

Peter Tschaikowsky, Symphonie Nr. 4 f-Moll op. 36

Dirigent: Zubin Mehta

Klavier: Yefim Bronfman


Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, Étude op.10 nº12 (performance by Bronfman)

Data-Assimilation-Based Algorithm to Unveil Electrode Processes”  was published in Denki Kagaku!

This is a collaborative work with Prof. Shibuta at The University of Tokyo!

Ken will join Junior Experts Exchange Program 2023 "Green Hydorgen Technology"!

"This program aims young potential managers from public research institutions or future executives from private companies in Germany and Japan."

This activity is operated by Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin with supports from Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung of Germnay. Thanks for this great opportunity!

Joint Kinetic/In Situ Spectrometric Investigation of the Multielectron/Multiproton-Transfer-Based Adsorption Electrode Process of Phosphate Anions on the Ir(111) Surface across a Comprehensive pH Range”  was published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C!

This is a part of The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual special issue “Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2”.

Good job Kumeda san!

Also our work was selected as a Supplementary Cover!

Prof. Hong-Kang Tian visited NIMS!

Professor Hong-Kang Tian from the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, visited NIMS.

We discussed on future collaborations. We will see again in Taiwan and Japan! 

Great Honor!

Ken recieved a wonderful honor to see Ms. Bettina Stark-Watzinger MdB, the Federal Minister of Education and Research of Germany (left), and Mr. Yosei Ide, the State Minister of MEXT, Japan (right).

It was an inpiring moment to have a direct communucation with key people accelarating the research in both Germany and Japan.

Prof. Faul visited NIMS!

Professor Charl FJ Faul from the University of Bristol, UK, visited NIMS, with Professor Takashi Nakanishi of International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS as the host.

It was an exceptional opportunity to exchange thoughts on emerging materials. Keep in touch and we look forward to visiting Bristol in the future!

Top: Charl with group memers

Bottom: MPIKG Alumni of Ken, Charl and Nakanishi san

New members!

Paponpat and Tasya joined as fresh graduate students. Dr Lee joins as a postdoc. Welcome!

The first SpectroInlets EC-MS in Asia is now in our group!

We are extremely happy to have this powerful device of SpectroInlets for analyzing a wide spectrum of electrochemical reactions. It is a huge honor to learn that we are the first Asian group to have this gem!

Prof. Magda Titirici (Imperial College London, UK) visited NIMS

It is our great honor to host Prof. Magda Titirici and her colleagues from Imperial College London. She gave us a very inspiring talk. Keep in touch!

The 4th Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium

Ken will join the 4th Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium. This symposium provides a platform for talented young researchers to engage in cross-disciplinary discussions on state-of-the-art scientific topics. The symposium aims to contribute to develop novel academic disciplines and the fostering of future leaders in science. This symposium is organized by JSPS, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the National Academy of Sciences of USA. Looking forwards to seeing the American and German researchers in the same generation!

Dr. Kumeda has been promoted to an ICYS Fellow, and recieved a prestigious funding!

Dr Kumeda accepted the position at International Center for Young Scientist (ICYS). He will be securated a maximum five-year research period with a certain annual budget.

In addition, he obtained a prestigious funding from Tokyo Ohka Foundation for The Promotion of Science and Technology (link), where Prof. Akira Fujishima seves as the president.

The 90th Electrochemical Society Japan Annual Meeting

Ken and Dr. Kumeda provided the talks at the ECSJ annual meeting at Tohoku Institute of Technology in Sendai. (Top)

Prof. Shen Ye (Tohoku University), one of the best physical electrochemists, kindly provided his precious time for introducing his wonderful lab equipped with amazing spectrometries. (middle)

Celebrating a good friend's success: Congratulations, Prof. Takayama! All the best at Tohoku University, Fiat lux! (Bottom)

Alumnus Markus visited Japan!

Our former internship student Markus visited Japan for his business togather with his colleague. Fortunately, we had a chance to spend a good time with delicious Sushi. He was a very successful student and is now a wonderful fuel-cell engineer at a German promising green-tech company.

Thank you for your visit and keep in touch!

2023 JSPS-EPSRC Workshop on Coordination Nanosheets at Cavendish Labolatory, University of Cambridge

An inspiring meeting by researchers from Japan, UK, and Germany.

1st row: The meeting was held at Rayleigh Seminar room, Maxwell Centre of Cavendish Lab (left). A warm greeting from Prof. Sirrighaus, the UK's organizer. 

2nd row: A memory for a wonderful science.

3rd row: The view of Sidney Sussex College (left). Wonderful friend Dr. Lu from Prof. Xinliang Feng's group at TU Dresden, Germany (middle). The closing remark was given by Prof. Shionoya, the  Japan's organizer (right).

4th row: A memory of great minds on science.

Bon voyage!

Thank you very much for your contributions. All the best your future!

Deep Dive on Hydorgen-based Energy

Honored to attend to an interesting lecture at the German Embassy of Japan: DEEP DIVE ON GERMAN ENERGY TRANSITION AND GERMAN HYDROGEN POLICIES. LINK

1st row: The distinguished speakers of Dr. Felix Chr. Matthes (Öko-Institut – Institute for Applied Ecology) and Prof. Takao Kashiwagi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) (Left). The greetings from His Excellency Dr. Clemens von Goetze, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany (Right).

2nd row: Great talk by Dr. Matthes (Left). So nice coffee and sweets were served during networking session (Right).

3rd row: Ken with Dr. Matthes. In behind, the wonderful Japanese garden of the Ambassador's residence.

Electrochemistry leaders visited NIMS

A key meeting on electrochemistry was held in our insitute. Thank you for electrochemistry leaders from all over the world!

The 11th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-11): A Great Meeting!

We thank Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Nangyang Technological University, and National Singapore University for a special invitation!

1st row: The conference was held at the A*STAR headquater (Left). With Prof. Donglin Jiang (National Singapore University), one of the organizers of SICC-11, and Dr. Matsumoto from NIMS (Right).

2nd row: Wonderful foods of Singapore.

3rd row: The X'mas in Singapore and the welcome address of Prof. Andy Hor, the Deputy Chief Executive of A*STAR.

4th row: Wonderful colleagues: Prof. Crystal Chu (Lehigh University, USA), Ken, Prof. Guillermo C. Bazan (National Singapore University), and Prof. Cafer T. Yabuz (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology: KAUST, Saudi Arabia).

Thank you for being a wonderful colleague!

We celebrated our important member of Peng san.

At The German Ambassador's Residence, Warming the Friendship between Japan and Germany/EU


Johannes Brahms, Clarinet Quintet in B minor (Op. 115, 1891)

Clarinet: Shuhei Isobe

1st Violin: Mariko Saito-Karino

2nd Violin: Kyoko Saburi

Viola: Michiko Hariya

Cello: Hiroshi Miyasaka 


Menuett (Johannes Brahms)

Schlafe, schlafe, holder süßer Knabe (Franz Schubert)

We thank His Excellency Dr. Clemens von Goetze, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany, for providing this beautiful opportunity.

Hope empowering the scientific network between Japan and Germany/EU.

First Lecture in University of Tsukuba

"Electrochemistry in the 21st Century" was given to the students in Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba.

Great Burger before Great Discussion

Visited The University of Tokyo for a discussion to structure a project on data-driven material design. We will see what happens for this new endeavor! 

Before this important discussion, a huge energy was supplied by this great Bacon Cheeseburger served at FireHouse!

Prof. Mario Ruben's special talk

Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara organized a great talk of Prof. Mario Ruben from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany).

It was so interesting to learn about quantum computing using coordination compounds.

We had so many reasons to cerebrate!

We had the B-Day cerebration for Ked! Thank you very much for your essential contribution to our group!

Also, our traditional award of "You are the Best Intern T-Shirt" went to the wonderful intern Year 2022 of Reina. The T-Shirt is full of warm messages from members. We will miss you but wish all the best for your bright future!!!

Two NIMS Researchers are selected as Citation Laureates 2022

NIMS' boron nitride (BN) experts are selected as 2022 Citation Laureates in Physics by Clarivate: "Influence of these research giants comparable to Nobel Prize recipients"

Their high-quality BN paves a way to observe non-trivial quantum phenomena.

I have to note here that Dr. Taniguchi still plays football during lunch time!!!

The image was taken from this web page.

Reina's successful defense for her Internship Project

Reina from Ochanomizu University made a great job during her NIMS internship project. She provided a significant contribution to our electrocatalysis research even she is a 3rd semester undergraduate student. Wonderful!

After the defense, she was so kind to give us some sweets. Thank you so much!

It is our honor to host such a talented student!

Attended The Ceramic Society of Japan 35th Fall Meeting

Dr. Hoisang gave a nice talk at this meeting in Tokushima.

Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara kindly gave his wonderful invited talk at our session.

Ken was one of organizers of Session "Precise synthesis of ceramics by aqueous solution process"

Key Criteria for Next-Generation Dimensionally Stable Electrodes towards Large-Scale Green Hydrogen Production”  was published in Current Opinion in Electrochemistry!

Good job Ked!

“Electrical Double Layer Design for Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Electrode Processes: Recent Advances in Well-Defined Electrode−Electrolyte Interface”  was published in Current Opinion in Electrochemistry!

Good job Kumeda san!

Half Year Progress Report was successfully finished!

The best presenter for this time was Dr Hoisang (in the middle).

She got a small award for her wonderful science!

“Oxide-on-Oxide Porous Electrodes Revealing Superior Reversible Li+-Coupled Electron Transfer Properties by Unconventional Heterojunction Effects”  was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!

Good job Hara kun! A great collaboration with Prof. Kanamori's group (Kyoto University) and Prof. Nakanishi's group (Nagoya University)! Many thanks for many colleagues!

Invited to RIKEN! Many thanks for exciting discussions!

Superior Multielectron-Transferring Energy Storage by π-d Conjugated Frameworks”  was published in Small  (Selected as the INSIDE COVER)

A great collaboration with Prof. Nishihara's group (The University Tokyo/ Tokyo University of Science), Prof. Taketsugu's group (Hokkaido University), and Prof. Sasaki's group (Kyoto Institute of Technology)! Many thanks for many colleagues!

This work also appears in Hot Topic: Carbon, Graphite, and Graphene

Our work was published as a part of

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Early Carrier Forum 2022

According to Nature Index 2022, NIMS stands at the 4th place among the world in the national institute/chemistry criteria!

2022 tables: Institutions - chemistry - government | Annual tables | Nature Index 

The President's celebrations to Ken for winning the MEXT's Young Scientist Award. 

The NIMS' president  Prof. Dr. Kazuhiro Hono (‪Kazuhiro Hono‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬) kindly gave a warm celebration to Ken for being a MEXT's Young Scientist Award laureate.

Ken is indebted to all colleagues, collaborators, and mentors!

MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Wonderful time with DAAD Tokyo!

Thank you for keeping our tie with Germany! (also for Spargel Zeit!)

Great dish@Mahlzeit

First Welcome Lunch 2022!

Nice weather, nice food, wonderful colleagues!

Dr. Dong Xia joins our team. Welcome!

Thank you very much for waiting so long time to enter Japan! Now, let's enjoy electrochemistry.

Welcome Dr Summer!

The FY2022 starts!

We will achieve new insights on principles in electrified solid-liquid interfaces!

So wonderful a direct communication is!

Thank you very much Prof. Murakoshi and Prof Fukushima at Physical Chemistry Lab, Hokkaido University!

We had exciting discussions on fundamental electrochemistry.

Dr Wenqin Peng and Ms Yobun Tai join our team. Welcome!

"Dr" Hara from U Kyoto visited NIMS.

He got his very fresh PhD at Prof. Furukawa's Group at University of Kyoto and came to enjoy electrochemistry before a new Odyssey!

Sakura season has come. A flavor of spring.

Farewell to Dr. Nakamoto: we wish all the best for your future!

Fast-Decoding Algorithm for Electrode Processes at Electrified Interfaces by Mean-Field Kinetic Model and Bayesian Data Assimilation: An Active-Data-Mining Approach for the Efficient Search and Discovery of Electrocatalysts”  was published in

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

A great collaboration with Prof. Shibuta's group at The University of Tokyo! Many thanks to Shibuta sensei and Watanabe kun!

Also thanks to Kumeda san for his really wonderful experiments!

Ken joined University of Tsukuba as an associate professor!

The LINK to the official HP.

Winter has come to NIMS.

Dr Watcharaporn Hoisang join our team. Welcome!

“Science of Electrode Processes in the 21st Century: Fundamental Understanding on Microscopic Mechanism towards Advancing Electrochemical Technologies”  was selected as an inside cover in

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

“Science of Electrode Processes in the 21st Century: Fundamental Understanding on Microscopic Mechanism towards Advancing Electrochemical Technologies”  was published in

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

“Two-Dimensional π-Conjugated Frameworks as a Model System to Unveil a Multielectron-Transfer Based Energy Storage Mechanism ”  was published in

Accounts of Chemical Research

AWARD: Dr Kumeda was awarded JSPS Fellowship!

Well deserved!

AWARD: Ken was selected as one of 2021 Nanoscale Emerging Investigators.

"Our 2021 Emerging Investigators themed issues gather some of the best research being conducted by scientists in the early stages of their independent career. Each contributor was recommended as carrying out work with the potential to influence future directions in nanoscience. "

Many thanks for my colleagues and mentors!!!   

Spring has come to NIMS !

The Certificate of The 2021 CSJ Award for Young Chemist was arrived!

“Emergent Electrochemical Functions and Future Opportunities of Hierarchically Constructed Metal–Organic Frameworks and Covalent Organic Frameworks”  was accepted for publication in


Congratulations to Hara-kun! Well deserved!

AWARD: Ken received The CSJ Award for Young Chemist: 進歩賞!

Many thanks for my colleagues and mentors!!!   

Our recent publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C was selected as a COVER!

Well deserved Hara-kun!

“Tunable and Well-Defined Bimodal Porous Model Electrodes for Revealing Multiscale Structural Effects in the Nonaqueous Li–O2 Electrode Process”  was published in

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Congratulations to Hara-kun! Many thanks for wonderful collaborators@Kyoto University!

“Fabrication of single-ion conducting polymer-coated separators and their application in nonaqueous Li-O2 batteries”  was published in

Polymer Journal

Congratulations to Piw! Wonderful leadership of Dr Tamate and Dr Ue!

“Computationally Empowered Design of Emerging Earth-Abundant Electrocatalysts toward Electron/Proton-Transferring Energy Conversion”  was published in

Current Opinion in Electrochemistry

“Advances and Challenges for Experiment and Theory for Multi-Electron Multi-Proton Transfer at Electrified Solid-Liquid Interfaces ”  was published in 

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 

Thank you very much Sharon, Marko, and Sugino-sensei

Good job for Dr Kumeda for his first publication in NIMS! 

“Tailoring the Electrochemical Properties of Two-dimensional Bis(diimino)metal Coordination Frameworks by Introducing Co/Ni Heterometallic Structures”  was published in 

Inorganic Chemistry

“Quantum Electrocatalyst: Theoretical Picture, Electrochemical Kinetic Isotope Effect Analysis and Conjecture to Unveil Microscopic Mechanism”  was published in 

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

as a part of PCCP Emerging Investigators themed issues!

“Reversible Energy Storage in Layered Copper-Based Coordination Polymers: Unveiling the Influence of the Ligand’s Functional Group on Their Electrochemical Properties ”  was published in 

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

“Basic knowledge in battery research bridging the gap between academia and industry ”  was published in 

Materials Horizons

Farewell for Piw

Piw completed her research under this tough situation. You are the BEST intern 2019-2020!

Cambridge 3: Visiting long traditional colleges:

Cambridge 2: Visiting Cavendish Laboratory.

Feeling the history of physics and great atmosphere of science.

Thank you very much for Dion and Prof. Henning Sirringhaus.

Cambridge1: Exciting discussions at the meeting in Cambridge including Prof. Sir Richard Friend at Cavendish Lab.

Many thanks to the organizers! 

Wonderful experience at the 81st Okazaki Conference!

Fortune to meet with the leading surface scientist Prof. Dr. Hajo Freund at Fritz-Haber-Institut.

Many thanks to the organizers for this opportunity! 

FY2020 Started

With new members, we will go on.

“Observations and Theories of Quantum Effects in Proton Transfer Electrode Processes”  was published in 

Current Opinion in Electrochemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry Ambassadors Sam and Hiro san visited NIMS.

Thank you for a great opportunity!

Ken with Dr. Yoshino at the celebration of Japan Prize. 

Li-ion Battery was cerebrated: Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019. The award went to J. B. Goodenough, M. S. Whittingham, and A. Yoshino.

Congratulation to Dr. Yoshino ! 

Visited University of Warwick (UK) to give a talk for Faraday Discussion "Quantum effects in Complex Systems".

Not only inspiring presentations, but also the traditional Loving Cup ceremony, impressive infrastructures and beautiful gardens of this university. 

Ken  was highlighted in NIMS NOW (here for the article.)

“Observation of Kinetic Isotope Effect in Electrocatalysis with Fully Deuterated Ultrapure Electrolytes”  was published in 

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Visited Hokkaido University.

So beautiful.

“Quantum Proton Tunneling in Multi-electron/-proton Transfer Electrode Processes” was published in

Faraday Discussions

Ken with Prof. FDM Haldane from Princeton University, who is one of the three winners of Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

Prof. Haldane gave an inspiring talk on "the second quantum revolution" and "Idea for novel topological matters"!

We start "JSPS Core-to-Core Program" Chemistry and physics of two-dimensional conjugated polymer, coordination nanosheet

Coordinator in Japan: Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara (The University of Tokyo)

Partner Institutes:

U Cambridge (UK), Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (P. R. China), TU Dresden (Germany)

Spring has come, and SAKURA is blooming in NIMS!

The Award Ceremony of the PCCP Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry at The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting  in Konan University (Kobe, Japan).

Left: Dr Sakaushi; Center: Prof. Dr. Iwasawa (Head of the Prize Selection Committee); Right:  Dr.  Wilson (Director of Publishing, RSC)

Announcement in PCCP Blog:

99th Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting – PCCP Prize Winners

In PCCP Twitter

Great discussion and then joyful time. Many thanks Prof Ishimoto and Prof Tachikawa!

AWARD: Ken won the PCCP Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry!

Marco Amores (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow) joined. From Spain with "LOVE"!

EnergyX Lab Launched!

Got (Chulalongkorn University, Thai) joined to  our place in the frame work of NIMS International Graduate School Program.

Good luck for your study here!

“The Role of Nitrogen-doping and the Effect of the pH on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Highly Active Nitrided Carbon Sphere Catalysts” was accepted by

Electrochimica Acta

This work is an international collaboration with the Group of Prof. Dr. R. Jürgen  Behm (Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Ulm Univerity, Germany).

Great job, Markus and many thanks for all colleagues!!!

“Quantum-to-Classical Transition of Proton Transfer in Potential-Induced Dioxygen Reduction” was published in

Physical Review Letters

This work is a collaboration with the Group of Prof. Tetsuya Taketsugu (Department of Chemistry, Hokkaido University, Japan). Many thanks for all colleagues!!!

It's a beautiful day...

AWARD: Mr Wada (PhD candidate @The University of Tokyo) received the Best Presentation Award of The 68th Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.  Congratulation!

The presentation title is:

Synthesis of Coordination Nanosheets for Energy Storage Applications

"Microscopic Electrode Processes in the Four-Electron Oxygen Reduction on Highly-Active Carbon-based Electrocatalysts" was published in

 ACS Catalysis

This work is an international collaboration with the Group of Prof. Dr. R. Jürgen  Behm (Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Ulm Univerity, Germany) and the Group of Prof. Tetsuya Taketsugu (Department of Chemistry, Hokkaido University, Japan). Great job, Markus and many thanks for all colleagues!!!

You can read OUR STORY  HERE!

"Multielectron-Transfer-based Rechargeable Energy Storage of Two-Dimensional Coordination Frameworks with Non-Innocent Ligand" was published in

 Angewandte Chemie International Edition

This work was a collaboration with the Group of Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara of The University of Tokyo. Great job, Wada-kun!

Our Press Release is HERE!

The University of Tokyo prepared the featured movie for our work!

(Only Japanese available. Sorry...)

Ken will give an invited talk as "Special NECEM seminar  (Invited by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stimming)" at The North East Centre for Energy Materials (NECEM) in Newcastle University, UK. 

Ken with Dr. Yoshino. It is a wonderful moment to join in the cutting-edge discussion on future batteries.

AWARD: Ken awarded The Japan Prize Foundation Research Grant. It is his great honor to receive this prestigious grant in the year of main prize for Dr. Akira Yoshino, who developed Li-ion Battery. 

AWARD: Mr Wada (Visiting Researcher@NIMS / PhD candidate @The University of Tokyo) received the Excellent Poster Presentation Award of MANA International Symposium 2018.  Congratulation!

Ken will give an invited talk at Asian International Symposium in the 98th CSJ Annual Meeting.

Invited lecture at Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Shared positive ideas. Looking forward working together in the future!

Farewell to Markus. Wishing you all the best!

Markus (Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Ulm University, Germany) completed his internship at NIMS. We got interesting results and these will be summarized in manuscripts. Good job and make your bright future!

With Prof. Dr. J. Anibal Boscoboinik (Brookhaven National Laboratory/Stony Brook University) @59th GREEN Open Seminar

Prof. Dr. J. Anibal Boscoboinik (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA) visited NIMS. He gave a talk on state-of-the-art emergence on surface science. Wishing this is our first step for wonderful collaboration research aiming to develop key basic science. Thank you Anibal!

"Some thoughts on the importance of the layer distance in 2D-covalent “graphitic” materials" has been published in Chemistry Today co-authored with Prof. Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces)

Ken was invited for a talk at Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (Director: Prof. Dr. Rolf Jürgen Behm), Ulm University, Germany.

"Two-Dimensional Corrugated Porous Carbon-, Nitrogen-Framework/Metal Heterojunction for Efficient Multielectron Transfer Processes with Controlled Kinetics" has been published in

 ACS Nano.

With Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko (National Institute of Chemistry/University of Ljubljana) @52nd GREEN Open Seminar

Prof. Dr. Robert Dominko (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia) visited NIMS. He gave a talk on recent developments on Li-S battery systems. Thank you Robert!

Ken's comment on fuel production by CO2 reduction is available in MIT News.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 goes to David J. Thouless, F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz!

Fritz-Haber-Institut is a historical scientific research institute belonging to the Max Planck Society. The history of science can be found here.

1st Max Planck Symposium for Alumni and Early Career Researchers was held at Harnack-Haus der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin: We shared positive future views.

Award: The Murata Science Foundation Research Grant for Visiting Abroad.

With Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai (University of Tsukuba)@4th DAAD East Asia Meeting of "Life Cycle Management in Engineering, Medicine and Natural Science"

Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai (University of Tsukuba) is the great engineer, inventor and leader. His vision for the future society is encouraging a wide spectrum of scientists, medical doctors and engineers.  

With Prof. A. Shoji Hall (Johns Hopkins University) @49th GREEN Open Seminar

Prof. Dr. A. Shoji Hall (Johns Hopkins University, USA) visited NIMS. He gave us a quite interesting research bridging synthesis of mesoporous materials and complicated electrochemical reactions. Thank you Shoji!

Award: CSJ Presentation Award 2016 (by Chemical Society of Japan)

Award: ISE Travel Award for Young Electrochemists (by International Society of Electrochemistry)

With Prof. Ada Yonath (Weizmann Institute of Science)

@8th HOPE Meeting

Prof. Ada Yonath (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) is one of the most respectable persons for her warm mind and enthusiasm for science.

New technology for electrochemical devices is now open as a patent of Max Planck Institute! (shearing with colleagues in Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces).

"Highly Efficient Oxygen and Hydrogen Electrocatalytic Activities of Self-Morphogenic Nanoporous Carbon, Nitrogen Architectures" has been published in ChemNanoMat (This work was selected as the cover pictureof the issue).

Award: 8th HOPE Meeting with Nobel Laureates by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

"Carbon- and Nitrogen-Based Organic Frameworks" has been published in Accounts of Chemical Research.

NEW Institution: Dr. Ken Sakaushi moved to National Institute for Materials Science (Japan)!

"Novel Polyvinylimidazolium Nanoparticles as High-performance Binders for Lithium-ion Batteries" has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

Bifunctional Metal-Free Catalysis of Mesoporous Noble Carbons for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions" has been published in ChemSusChem.

"Cabon-, and Nitrogen-based Porous Solids: A Emerging Class of Materials" has been published in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (Invited Account in special issue "Nanospace Materials").

Award: Festkörperchemie2013 (Solid-State Chemistry 2013) by German Chemical Society

Award: Max Planck Society Stipend.

"Aromatic Porous-honeycomb Electrodes for a Sodium-organic Energy Storage Device" has been published in Nature Communications.

Highlited: The research about the discovery of a novel energy storage principle has been highlighted by Chemistry World, the Royal Society of Chemistry.

"An Energy Storage Principle using Bipolar Porous Polymeric Frameworks" has been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

Award: German Academic Exchange Service Research Grant (Grant No. A/09/74990).