
Faculty member

  • Name Wataru SAKAMOTO

  • Gender Male

  • Year of birth 1970

  • Nationality Japan

  • Affiliation Division of Human Ecology, Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science / Dept. of Environmental Mathematical Science, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology

  • Position Professor

  • Degree

    • 1998. 3 Ph.D. in Engineering (Osaka University)

  • Education Career

    • 1998. 3 Graduated from the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

  • Occupation Career

    • 1998. 4 Research Associate at Osaka University

    • 2003.10 Assistant professor at Osaka University

    • 2007. 4 Associate professor at Osaka University (change of the position name)

    • 2013. 4 Professor at the Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University (in the present)

  • Award

    • 2006. 9 IASC Young Researchers Award (COMPSTAT2006, Rome, Italy)

  • Other profile