About Us

We are a social walking club consisting of two groups who meet every Tuesday. Group A at 11.00am and group B at 1.00pm.

Group A completes about six to seven miles in three hours.

Group B's target is a less strenuous walk of about four miles finishing around 3pm.

Details of how to join us on a walk are given at the bottom of this page,

The Saddleworth Tuesday Walkers' group was started by Bob Tait in 1994. Latest news from Bob can be found here. Bob had taken early retirement from his job as a lecturer at Oldham College where he conducted a course in Mountain Leader Training. He also taught navigation and map-reading skills at evening classes. He contributed to a regular walkers' column in the Oldham Evening Chronicle (‘Away from it All’, then ‘Outdoors’, and finally ‘Living’) which ran from 1984 to 2005. In total 192 articles.

His book ‘Walks Around Saddleworth’ was first published in 1979. 

1979 Edition

1983 Edition

Bob's Saddleworth Days appeared in 1992.

He was also leader of the Oldham Mountain Rescue for a period. For the princely sum of £1 he led walks around the Saddleworth area and beyond every Tuesday and his group was known as ‘Bob Tait’s Walkers’. Bob eventually moved to Crete and Ken Wood took over as leader. Since Ken retired some years ago the leadership of the walks is rotated between willing volunteers within the group. Our walks last from 1pm to 4pm and our starting points vary each week.

On each walk members of the group still pay £1 to the group’s 'treasurer' and to date approximately £15000 has been donated to Oldham Mountain Rescue (half of money collected). Donations from the fund are also being sent on a rotational basis to Dr. Kershaw’s Hospice, The Alzeimheirs Charity, British Heart Foundation, the Head Injuries Trust, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ronald McDonald House, Cancer Research, Francis House Children’s Hospice, and the Air Ambulance Charity.

How to Join A Walk

You would be very welcome to try walking with us. Just turn up at the starting point, adequately equipped with appropriate footwear (preferably boots), warm & waterproof clothing, £1, and some snacks and a drink as we usually take a 10 minute break at the half way point. If you feel you need more information to check how hard the walk would be, to ensure you would be fit enough, directions to the start point or any further advice; please contact us at :- Tuesday Walker

We walk as a group of friends, all whom are responsible for their own conduct and safety. Neither the Saddleworth Tuesday Walkers Group nor any walk leader is responsible for any accident or incident that may occur.