
(From December 8, 2011, edited, January 2, 2012, April 12, 2012)

On this page you will find the index to lists of books I would like to sell.

For some time, I have been learning about books. Part of that learning is research for a novel I am working on. I am also hoping to supplement our income by selling some books I have collected. I would like to work towards getting into the book selling business at some point. (It would be nice to open a shop for writers and paper crafters.)

I am in the process of learning about books, book selling and buying. I am not sure how to accurately describe the condition of these books. I have books like, "ABC for Book Collectors," and, "Bookman's Glossary,". I need to get a book about describing books. I haven't listed too much about the condition of these books. My goal is to show any potential buyer these books in person. I expect my adventure in selling these books to be a learning experience.

I know that with books condition is everything. Yes, some of these books have, "condition issues". I know that any potential book buyer looking at this list will have to view the books in person before they even think of buying them. I am just sticking them on this site to see if a buyer would like to look at these. I would have put the lists on here anyway. That way if a bookseller I write to, doesn't want these, I can try to sell them, "some other how". It is easier to E-mail a link sometimes than E-mail a list. (If you send a link to the list, rather than the whole list via E-mail, the formatting stays consistent on both ends, and it makes for smaller E-mails.)

If you should want digital photos of any of these books let me know. I can stick digital photos on here. It is usually a slow process. (I just stick the photos off the camera onto the site. I don't edit them for size.)

E-mailing photos of specific books would be faster and could possibly happen sooner than getting them on here. (I can edit the size and make them smaller. That just takes time. Let me know if you need E-mailed photos edited for size.)

Click on the titles below in order to view the list you want to look at.

I list here some, "Writing," books and resources for writers. Writer's kits, books for writers etc.

Amongst the books listed are a first edition, Gertrude Stein (with condition issues).

I list here some, "Art," and "Miscellaneous," books.

Amongst the books listed are an old Catechism for electricians; an art book (Symbols of Visual Communication); and others. It is difficult to list them in brief here. Click on this title in order to read more detailed descriptions.

These are mostly scientific and medical books. There are some that deal with Christianity in some form or fashion. (history of the Reformation, a New Testament Greek book) These are scholarly books. I wasn't sure how to title this page. I did my best with the above title, it isn't 100% accurate, but it will have to do.

These are some bookseller's catalogues of cookbooks. I got them on eBay. I was planning on looking through them to make a wish list of cookbooks to look for at thrift stores and estate sales. I won't ever have time to look through these.

I bought this box of "old" British Theatre Programmes on eBay. Some of them are from W.W. II. I only wanted one for my collection. The others I thought I would sell. I am also doing research for a guide book for collectors of Theatre memorabilia.

Theatre Collecting

I am seeking help in researching a book on theatre / theater collecting.


From notes to a novel I am working on...

"Consider the humble book... Books are made of words. Words are very important. We speak in words. We think in words.

..."I had a strange dream last night"...

Dreamers dream. Writers write. Dreams get written down. Trees get made into paper. Words get printed onto pages.

..."I think I read about that in a book once"...

Pages are bound into books. Books are placed onto shelves.

..."Oh! You read books?" "Yes!"...

Books get read. Readers dream. Writers write.

..."Now there's an idea!"...

Ideas are good. Ideas are bad. Ideas are very important.

..."I'm glad I thought of it"... ..."Help!"...

"Elsa?" Osbert Pickle called out as he tried to get his bearings.

..."Tune in next week to hear another exciting episode of 'Boswell's Manor'"...

"Blasted radio!" Osbert is remembering where he is, why he is here, and that he fell asleep to the radio."

I will probably be contacting, "you," first to let you know about this site. (In other words, you should have my E-mail address already.) But if you run across this site on your own some how, and you want to contact me, there is contact information at the top of the page. If you can't reach me that way, then go to: That is the feedback form on our main website. You can follow the directions on the page in order to contact us. (Which is pretty much the same as above, now that I think about it. Had to disable the form because of excessive spam.)