RMFF Bylaws
Ruby Mountain Fly Fishers Bylaws
The Ruby Mountain Fly Fishers is established as a nonprofit Club charted by the State of Nevada and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it may be amended.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose is to promote the fly fishing experience through education, fellowship, outreach and conservation.
Article I Membership
All members shall agree to support the purpose and objectives of the Ruby Mountain Fly Fishers. RMFF members in good standing are allowed to participate in club events and outings. Prospective members and guests of RMFF members may participate in a single club event or outing per year. Members may be expelled from the club for due reasons at a general meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present.
Article II Dues
Annual Dues shall be $20. Dues may be changed by an affirmative vote of the majority of members present at a general meeting.
Renewals: Members must renew by the end of the 1st quarter, March 31st, in order to remain current and be allowed to participate in club events and outings. Returning members who have not paid their dues by March 31st are dropped from the membership roles. Such members can return to the membership roles by paying the entire amount of their annual dues anytime during the year.
New Members: Dues for new members are pro-rated by quarter, beginning January 1st of each year.
Article III Meetings
Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, except as specified by these Bylaws.
Section A: General Meetings
General meetings will typically be held on the second Wednesday of each month at the NDOW Facility, 60 Youth Center Road, Elko, NV beginning at 6:30 PM. The Board of Directors, as necessary, may change the date and time of the meeting. A quorum will consist of the members present.
Section B: Board of Directors Meetings
Board of Directors meetings will typically be held on the last Wednesday of each month with the time and place to be decided at the previous Board meeting. A quorum will consist of at least two Board members. The President or Secretary may call a special meeting of the Board.
Article IV Officers
Officers of the Ruby Mountain Fly Fishers will be elected for a 1-year term. Officers may be elected to the same position for a maximum of two successive terms.
Section A: President
The president will preside at all regularly scheduled and special meetings and has overall responsibility for Club affairs, as directed by the Board. The President will be authorized to sign Club checks and make transactions in the Club savings accounts.
Section B: Vice President
The Vice President will be chair of the Membership Committee and/or other duties as assigned by the President, and will assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President will be authorized to sign Club checks and make transactions in the Club savings accounts.
Section B: Secretary
The Secretary keeps Club records and minutes of meetings and archives Club records. The secretary is responsible for all club communications by appropriate media, such as email, blogs, websites, and print media, as deemed appropriate in consultation with the Board. The Secretary is a member of the Membership Committee.
Section C: Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for all Club finances. The Treasurer prepares annual budgets, by the end of the 1st quarter, for review by the Board of Directors followed by approval at a General Meeting each May, and prepares monthly financial status reports for Board Meetings. The Treasurer will be authorized to sign Club checks and make transactions in the Club savings accounts. The Treasurer shall maintain Club financial records for at least six consecutive past years.
Article V Board of Directors
Section A: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall control the business and affairs of the Club and will be permitted to expend up to $200.00 in unbudgeted funds for the Club purchases without approval by the general membership. The Board shall consist of four elected officers, the immediate past President and up to three club members elected at a general meeting. Terms of service for all Board positions are through the end of the current calendar year.
Section B: Vacancies
A Vacancy on the Board, other than the President, will be filled by nomination by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term. In the event the President leaves office, the Vice President will assume the Presidency for the unexpired portion of the term. In the event the President and the Vice President are unable to execute the office of the President, the Secretary will assume the Presidency for the unexpired portion of the term. In the event the immediate Past President leaves that office, it shall remain unfilled. Any member of the Board may be removed from office for malfeasance, failure to execute Club policies, nonmember status, and/or negligence of duties including fiduciary responsibility by at least two-thirds vote of all members of the Board of Directors.
Article VI Committees
Section A: Nominating Committee
The President at, or before, the September General Meeting shall appoint a three-person committee. Duties of the committee will be to select nominees for Officers and Directors.
Section B: Membership Committee
The Committee will consist of the Vice President, the Secretary and any other members of the Ruby Mountain Fly Fishers as appointed by the President.
Section C: Other committees
Other committees may be established with members appointed by the President at any time to better serve the functions and needs of the Club.
Article VII Elections
A Nominating Committee will select from the membership list a slate of candidates for all Officers and Directors whose terms will expire, at the November General Meeting. At that time, further nominations will be accepted from the floor. All nominations will be published in RMFF electronic media and the election will be held at the December General Meeting. All elected Officers and Directors will assume their duties at the January General Meeting.
Article VIII Distribution of Assets Upon Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the Ruby Mountain Fly Fishers, assets shall be distributed by the Board of Directors to one or more exempt organizations within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Article IX Amendments to the Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended at any General Meeting of the Club. The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present will be required for the adoption of any amendment. Notice of the proposed amendment will be published in RMFF electronic media at least 30 days prior to the General Meeting at which the vote will be taken.
Change History
Members present at September 14th, 2016 General Meeting unanimously approved changing the method of notifications for elections and bylaw from the "newsletter" to "electronic media" (Articles VII & IX).