Research and Slides

Research Interests

I am interested in discrete geometry, especially polytopes and their relationships to other areas of mathematics. This has most recently brought me to applied algebraic geometry, in the context of studying algebraic formulations of the Kuramoto equations, which describe networks of interconnected oscillators, and power-flow equations, which describe networks of electrical generators and consumption sites. I frequently use techniques from toric algebra and combinatorics to decompose polytopes in ways that encode desirable properties of the underlying network.

I also have strong interest in Ehrhart theory, which studies the distribution of lattice points inside of dilations of polytopes. Many times, the Ehrhart series of a polytope can reveal information about the polytope that may have been previously opaque, such as the normalized/relative/discrete volumes, existence of triangulations with desirable properties, face numbers, and so forth.

Slides of Selected Talks

Publications and Preprints (*beside a name denotes undergraduate student coauthor)