
This site contains rules and other information for stories thrown in the Realms by Clan Rua Thar Cinn of Chimeron.

We in Rua Thar Cinn hope to tell stories that engage and involve players and their characters. We seek to provide challenges, entertainment, and informed in-character risk-for-reward tradeoffs. The intention will never be to simply ruin anybody's fun. We have a set of additional rules on top of the standard Omnibus which we use.

Of note, at every one of our events (and events that we are throwing large amounts of content at with a specified check-in, such as Storytellers), our standard Special Calls will be announced, Trappings of Civilization will be available, and characters will be allowed to choose a new action per the Story Shards system.

Story Shards must be submitted more than 2 weeks before the upcoming event where we will be fulfilling them.

Finally, in order to encourage agency and involvement with the story, we would like to note that if there is something in the plot you would like to follow up on, accomplish, or otherwise see, please tell us! We will do our best to predict and interpret what is interesting, but we cannot read minds. Let one of us know directly, or email our mailing list, named ruatharcinn, at googlegroups.com . We make no guarantees that requests will be fulfilled, as this is not a way to simply tell us what you want to have happen and make it be so, but perhaps you'll be pleasantly surprised.

In general, this all is an experiment, and things could change as we learn and throw more events. We will announce changes as appropriate, sized according to how major the change is.