
Authored Books

Civic Solitude: Why Democracy Needs Distance. Oxford University Press, 2024

Sustaining Democracy: What We Owe to the Other Side.  Oxford University Press, 2021


“Review of Sustaining Democracy,”  Delaney Thull, Journal of Moral Philosophy (forthcoming)

“Review of Sustaining Democracy,” Sean Gray, Review of Politics 85.4(2023): 584-586

“Review of Sustaining Democracy,” Fabienne Peter, Ethics 133.4(2023): 645-649

“Review of Sustaining Democracy,” Lisa Disch, Perspectives on Politics 20.3(2022):  1073-1075

        “Democratic Citizenship and Polarization: Robert Talisse’s Theory of Democracy”(Review Essay), Daniel Sharp, Ethical Theory and Moral 

Practice, July 2022

“What Democracy Means: Review of Sustaining Democracy,” Oliver 

Traldi, The Washington Examiner February 2022

“Review of Sustaining Democracy,” Walter  Horn, 3:16 Magazine

January 2022 

“Partisan Democracy,” George Hawley, Law & Liberty, December, 2021

Political Argument in a Polarized Age. Authored with Scott Aikin, Polity, 2020 [Reviews: (1)]

Overdoing Democracy: Why We Must Put Politics in its Place, Oxford University Press, 2019

*Paperback edition, with a new Preface, 2021

*Korean translation, with a new Preface, 2024 

*Reviews: Perspectives on Politics | Philosophy Society | Erasmus Journal | Los Angeles Review of Books | Jet D'Encre | Oxonian Review | National Review  | Erraticus | Erraticus | Reason & Meaning  | Boston Review

Pragmatism, Pluralism, and the Nature of Philosophy, with Scott Aikin, Routledge, 2018

Engaging Political Philosophy, Routledge, 2016 

*Japanese edition, Kwansei Gakuin University Press, 2018)

Why We Argue (And How We  Should), with Scott Aikin, Routledge, 2014 [Reviews: (1)]

*Second edition, 2019

Pluralism and Liberal Politics, Routledge, 2012 (softcover, 2013) [Reviews: (1) (2) (3)]

Reasonable Atheism, with Scott Aikin, Prometheus Books, 2011

Democracy and Moral Conflict, Cambridge University Press, 2009

*Reviews:  Ethics | Mind |Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews  |Philosophical Quarterly | Res Publica | Topicos  | Philosophy in Review  | Perspectives on Politics |  Social Theory & Practice |Logos & Episteme |Essays in Philosophy  

Pragmatism: A Guide for the Perplexed, with Scott Aikin, Continuum, 2008 [Reviews:(1) (2)]

A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy, Routledge, 2007 (softcover, 2008) [Reviews:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)]

Democracy After Liberalism, Routledge, 2005 [Reviews: (1) (2) (3) (4)]


“Does Democracy Exist?,” with Scott Aikin, Think, forthcoming


“Market Virtues and Respect for Human Dignity,” with John Weymark and Luís C. Calderón Gómez, in Dignity, Freedom, and Justice, R. Gotoh, ed.  Springer, 2024


“Democracy,” Routledge Handbook of Political Theory, second edition, Fred D’Agostino and Ryan Muldoon, eds. Routledge, 2024


“Depolarization without Reconciliation,” Critical Review 35.4(2024): 426-449


“Democracy, Civility, and Semantic Descent,” Analyse & Kritik 45.1 (2023): 5-22


 “What Political Enemies are For,” The Epistemology or Democracy, edited by Quassim Cassam and Hana Samaržija, Routledge, forthcoming

Pragmatism and Political Theory,The Routledge International Handbook of Social and Political Theory, 2nd edition, edited by S. Turner, Routledge (in press)

"Synopsis" and "Replies to My Critics,” Journal of Philosophical Research, contribution to a symposium on Overdoing Democracy, 41(2021): 141-143 / 209-219. Critics are Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij, Myisha Cherry, Catarina Dutilh Novaes, C. Thi Nguyen

Semantic Descent: More Trouble for Civility,” Connecticut Law Review 52.3(2021) 1149-1168

Pragmatism, Truth, and Democracy,” with Cheryl Misak, Raison Politiques 81.1(2021): 11-27

“Problems of Polarization,” Political Epistemology, edited by Elizabeth Edenberg and Michael Hannon, Oxford University Press 2021

A Pragmatist Epistemic Argument for Democracy,” Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology, edited by Michael Hannon and Jeroen de Ridder, Routledge 2021 

"The Trouble with Hooligans," Inquiry 2020

Disagreement, Polarization, and the Flight of Minerva’s Owl: A Reply to Vaidya,” with Scott Aikin, Argument 10.2 (2020): 473-482

“From Pluralism to Liberalism: The Long Way Round,” What is Pluralism?, edited by I. Salvatore and V. Kaul, Routledge, 2020

"The Epistemology of Democracy," The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, edited by M. Fricker, P. Graham, D. Henderson, N. Pedersen, and J. Wyatt, Routledge (2019)

"Pluralism and Toleration in James’s Social Philosophy," The Oxford Handbook of William James, A. Klein, ed., Oxford UP (2019)

"The Bad, The Wrong, and the Unjust," Contemporary Pragmatism 16.4(2019): 311-320

"Pragmatism Deflated," Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54.3(2018): 409-416

Pragmatism and ‘Existential’ Pluralism,” with Scott Aikin, Contemporary Pragmatism 15(2018): 502-514

“A Challenge for Republicanism,” Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy (2018)

"The Will-to-Believe is Immoral," with Scott Aikin, William James, Moral Phjilosophy, and the Ethical Life, edited by Jacob Goodson, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018

Deweyan Democracy and the Rawlsian Problematic, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53.4(2017): 579-583

"New Trouble for Deliberative Democracy," Les ateliers de l'éthique, 12.1(2017): 107–123

"Political Philosophy and Political Illiberalism," American Journal of Jurisprudence 62.1(2017):1-14 

"Pragmatism and the Limits of Metaphilosophy," The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology, edited by Giuseppina D'Oro and Soren Overgaard, Cambridge UP , 2017

"Can Non-ideal Theories of Justice Guide Action?," Political Utopias, K. Vallier and M.Webber, eds., Oxford UP, 2017

"Pragmatism, Democracy, and the Need for a Theory of Justice," Pragmatism and Justice, edited by S. Dielman and D. Rondel, Oxford UP, 2017

"Pragmatism and Metaphilosophy," with Scott Aikin, Pragmatism and Objectivity, edited by S. Pihlstrom, Routledge, 2017

"Belief and the Error Theory," with A. Forcehimes, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19.4(2016): 849-856 

"Reply to Karin Jonch-Clausen and Klemens Kappel," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19.1(2016): 267-271

"Pragmatism and Pluralism Revisited," with Scott Aikin, Political Studies Review 14.1 (2016):17-26

"On Hook's 'The Ethics of Suicide'" (Retrospective Essay), Ethics 125.2(2015): 549-551

"Value Pluralism: A Philosophical Clarification," Administration & Society 47(2015): 1064-1076

"Response to Lever,” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18.1(2015): 81-85

"Luck Libertarianism?," with Andrew Forcehimes, Southwest Philosophy Review 31.1(2015): 187-196

"Reply to Anderson," with Scott Aikin The Pluralist 10.3(2015): 335-343

"Religion and Liberalism: Was Rawls Right All Along?," Rawls and Religion, Tom Bailey, ed. Columbia University Press, 2015

"Pushover Arguments," with Scott Aikin, Exploring Philosophy, Fifth Edition, Steven Cahn, ed., Oxford University Press, 2015

"Pragmatist Epistemology and Democratic Theory,” with Cheryl Misak, Journal of Political Philosophy 22.3(2014): 366-376

Précis” and “Responses to My Critics” (contributions to a symposium on Democracy and Moral Conflict), Reason Papers 36.1(2014):  15- 18  /  44- 48

"Moral Authority and the Deliberative Model," Philosophical Studies  170.3(2014): 555-561

"Impunity and Domination," European Journal of Political Theory 13.2(2014): 121-131

"Pragmatist Political Philosophy," Philosophy Compass 9.2(2014): 123-130

"Deweyan Democracy and the Absence of Justice," Pragmatism, Law, and Language, Graham Hubbs and Douglas Lind, eds., Routledge, 2014

Why We Argue: A Sketch of an Epistemic-Democratic Research Program,” with Scott Aikin,  Inquiry 29.2(2014): 60-67

"The Ethics of Citizenship," The Philosophers' Magazine 64.1(2014) 99-104

"Recovering American Philosophy," Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49.3(2013): 424-433

"Clarifying Cohen," with Andrew Forcehimes, Res Publica 19.4(2013):  371-379

"Sustaining Democracy," Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16.4(2013): 500-519

"Altruism and Self-Sacrifice," Journal of Social Philosophy 44.2(2013): 112-114

"The Pragmatists and Truth," in Philosophy Bites Back, David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton, eds. Oxford University Press, 2013

"Religion in Politics: What's the Problem?," Think  12.33 (2013): 65-73

"On the Liberalism of Fear," The Moral Philosophyof Bernard Williams, Alexandra Perry and Chris Herrera, eds., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013

"Democracy," Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy, Gerald Gaus and Fred D'Agostino, eds. Routledge, 2013

"Why Pragmatists Should be Rawlsians," Southwest Philosophy Review 29.1(2013): 71-78

"Deliberation," Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, David Estlund, ed.  Oxford University Press, 2012

"Reply to Rondel," Southwest Philosophy Review 28.1(2012): 81-85

"Democratization and Just Cause," in Morality, Jus Post Bellum, and International Law , Larry May and Andrew Forcehimes, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2012

On Epistemic Abstemiousness and Diachronic Norms,” with Scott Aikin, Michael Harbour, and Jonathan Neufeld, Logos & Episteme 3.1(2012): 129-134

"Religion, Respect, and Eberle's Agapic Pacifist," Philosophy & Social Criticism 38.3(2012): 313-325

"Freedom, Fear, and Domination," Theoretical and Applied Ethics 1.3(2011): 61-62

"Towards a New Pragmatist Politics," Metaphilosophy 42.5(2011): 552-571, with responses by Henrik Rydenfelt and David Hildebrand

"Value Pluralism and Liberal Politics," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14.1(2011): 87-100

"A Farewell to Deweyan Democracy," Political Studies 59.3 (2011): 509-526

"Comment on Clanton and Forcehimes," Southwest Philosophy Review 27.2 (2011): 79-81

"Self-Reflexive Social Epistemic Norms," Twin Cities Review of Political Philosophy 1.1(2011): 1-9

"Three Challenges to Jamesian Ethics," with Scott Aikin, William James Studies 6(2011), with responses, replies , and more responses.

"Argument in Mixed Company," with Scott Aikin, Think 27(2011):31-43, with a response by Brenda Watson, “Conversing with those with Whom We Disagree,” Think 31(2012): 81-95

"On Epistemic Abstemiousness," with Scott Aikin, Michael Harbour, and Jonathan Neufeld,  Logos and Episteme II.3 (2011): 425-428 

"Pragmatism and Political Theory," A Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, Gerard Delanty and Stephen Turner, eds. Routledge (2011)

"Why I am Not a Pluralist," Southwest Philosophy Review 26.1(2010): 5-15

"Epistemic Abstainers, Epistemic Martyrs, and Epistemic Converts," with Scott Aikin, Michael Harbour, and Jonathan Neufeld,  Logos and Episteme I.2(2010): 211-219, with a response by Alex Bundy, “In Defense of Epistemic Abstemiousness,” Logos and Episteme, II.2 (2011): 277-292

"Does Value Pluralism Entail Liberalism?," Journal of Moral Philosophy 7.3(2010): 303-320

"An Epistemological Defense of Democracy," Critical Review 22.2-3 (2010): 279-289

"Nagel on Public Education and Intelligent Design," with Scott Aikin and Michael Harbour, Journal of Philosophical Research 35 (2010): 209-219

"Reply to Festenstein," Contemporary Political Theory 9.1 (2010): 45–49

"Can Liberals Take Their Own Side in an Argument?," in Philosophy of Education in the Era of Globalization, Yvonne Raley and Gerhard Preyer, eds. Routledge, 2010

"Saving Pragmatist Democratic Theory (From Itself)," Etica & Politica (Italy), special issue on Pragmatism and Democracy, guest-edited by Roberto Frega and Fabrizio Trifirò, XII. 1 (2010): 12-27

"Peirce and Democratic Theory," in Ideas in Action: Proceedings of the Applying Peirce Conference, Henrik Rydenfeltand Mats Bergman, eds. (2010)

"Questions about Normative Consent," with Michael Harbour, The Good Society 18.2(2009): 48-53

"Physician Deception and Patient Autonomy," with Micah Hester, American Journal of Bioethics 9.12(2009): 22-23

"Evolution, Intelligent  Design, and Public Education," with Scott Aikin and Michael Harbour, Spontaneous Generations 3.1(2009): 35-40

"Reply to Clanton and Forcehimes," Contemporary Pragmatism, 6.2(2009): 185-189

"Précis of A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy," contribution to a symposium issue of Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society on my A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy, 45.1(2009): 45-49

"Replies to My Critics," contribution to a symposium issue of Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society on my A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy,45.1(2009) 90-108

"The Truth about Hypocrisy," with Scott Aikin, Scientific American Mind, January, 2009

"Folk Epistemology and the Justification of Democracy," in Does Truth Matter?, Ronald Tinnevelt and Raf Geenens, eds., Springer, 2009

"Pragmatism and the Cold War," in the Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy, Cheryl Misak (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2009

"Modus Tonens," with Scott Aikin, Argumentation 22.4(2008): 521-529

"Abortion Activism and Civil Discourse," with Steven Maloney, Critical Review 20.1-2(2008): 167-179, with a response by Jon Shields, "Abortion and Deliberation".

"Towards A Social Epistemic Comprehensive Liberalism," Episteme 5.1(2008): 106-128

"Skepticism and the Democratic Ideal," Think 16(2008): 7-17

"Rockmore on Analytic Pragmatism," with Scott Aikin, Metaphilosophy 39.2(2008): 155-162

"Getting Duped," with Yvonne Raley, Scientific American Mind, February, 2008

"A Critique of Deweyan Democracy," Southwest Philosophy Review 24.1 (2008): 181-190

"Kitcher on the Ethics of Inquiry," with Scott Aikin, Journal of Social Philosophy 38.4(2007): 654-665, with a response by Philip Kitcher, "Reply to Talisse and Aikin"

"Two Democratic Hopes," Contemporary Pragmatism 4.2(2007): 19-28, with a response by Robert Westbrook

"Why Democrats Need the Virtues," in Aristotle's Politics Today, edited by Lenn Goodman and Robert Talisse, SUNY, 2007

"Democracy and Ignorance," Critical Review 18.4(2007): 453-466

"From Pragmatism to Perfectionism," Philosophy & Social Criticism 33.3 (2007): 387-406

"Flathman on Pluralism and Liberal Democracy" (Review) Social Theory and Practice 33.1 (2007): 151-158

"Two Forms of the Straw Man," with Scott Aikin, Argumentation 20.3 (2006): 345-352

"Social Epistemology and the Politics of Omission," Episteme 2.II (2006): 107-118

"Socratic Citizenship," Philosophy in the Contemporary World 13.2 (2006): 4-10

"The Mistaken Premise of Political Liberalism," Southwest Philosophy Review 22.1 (2006): 139-147

"Dilemmas of Public Reason," in The Legacy of John Rawls, Thom Brooks and Fabian Freyenhagen, eds. Continuum, 2005

"Deliberative Democracy Defended," Res Publica 11.2 (2005): 185-199

"Liberalism, Pluralism, and Political Justification," Harvard Review of Philosophy XIII.2 (2005): 57-72

"Stout on Public Reason" (and a "Postscript"), with Caleb Clanton, Soundings LXXXVII.3-4 (2005): 349-368, with a response from Jeffrey Stout

"Deliberativist Responses to Activist Challenges," Philosophy & Social Criticism 31.4 (2005): 423-444

"Why Pragmatists Cannot be Pluralists," with Scott Aikin, Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society, with replies from Cheryl Misak, Henry Jackman, Michael Eldridge, and John Lyskaer and Michael Sullivan, XLI.1 (2005): 101-118.

"Still Searching for a Pragmatist Pluralism," with Scott Aikin, Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society XLI.1 (2005): 145-160

"Does Public Ignorance Defeat Deliberative Democracy? ," Critical Review 16.4 (2005): 455-463.

"Dewey's Defense of Democracy ," Free Inquiry 26.4 (2004): 35-37

"Politics Without Dogmas," in Sidney Hook Reconsidered, Matthew Cotter, ed. Prometheus Books, 2004

"Can Value Pluralists be Comprehensive Liberals? ," Contemporary Political Theory 3.2(2004): 127-139, with a reply by William Galston

"Towards a Peircean Politics of Inquiry," Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society XL.1 (2004):21-38.

"Pragmatism and Deliberative Politics ," Journal of Speculative Philosophy 18.1 (2004):1-8.

"Problems with Galston’s Liberal Pluralism," Southwest Philosophy Review 20.1(2004):221-229

"Sidney Hook, Pragmatism and the Communist Party," Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society XXXIX.4 (2003):657-661.

"Can Democracy Be a Way of Life?," Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society XXXIX.1 (2003): 1-21.

"Rawls on Pluralism and Stability," Critical Review 15.1&2 (2003): 173-194.

"Teaching Plato's Euthyphro Dialogically," Teaching Philosophy 26.2 (2003):163-175.

"Plato, Pragmatism, and Democracy,” Hypnos 10.1(2003): 71-84

"Philosophy as Anti-Dogmatism," in What Is Pragmatism?, Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr., ed. Manole Publishing, Brazil (2003 )

"The Relevance of Sidney Hook Today," Free Inquiry 23.1 (2003):51-52

"Two-Faced Liberalism," Critical Review 14.4 (2002): 441-458.

"Misunderstanding Socrates," Arion 9.3(2002):111-121.

"Two Concepts of Inquiry," Philosophical Writings 20 (2002): 69-81.

"Liberty, Community, and Democracy," Journal of Speculative Philosophy 15.4 (2001):286-304.

"A Pragmatist Critique of Rorty's Hopeless Politics," Southern Journal of Philosophy 39.4 (2001): 611-626.

"On The Supposed Tension in Peirce's 'Fixation of Belief'," Journal of Philosophical Research XXVI (2001): 561-569.

Edited Books

Pragmatic Reason (with Paniel Reyes Cardenas and Danile Herbert), Routledge 2023 

The Routledge Companion to Pragmatism (with Scott Aikin), Routledge, 2023

The Democracy Reader (edited with Steven Cahn and Andrew Forcehimes), Rowman & Littlefield, 2021

Political Philosophy in the 21st Century (edited with Steven Cahn), Westview, 2013

The Pragmatism Reader (edited with Scott Aikin), Princeton University Press, 2011 [Reviews: (1) ]

Thinking about Logic (edited with Steven Cahn and Scott Aikin), Westview, 2011

Political Problems (edited with Steven Cahn), Prentice Hall, 2010

A Teacher's Life: Essays for Steven Cahn (edited with Maureen Eckert), Lexington, 2009

American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia (edited with John Lachs), Routledge, 2008

Aristotle's Politics Today (edited with Lenn Goodman), SUNY Press, 2007 (softcover, 2008) [Reviews:  (1) (2)]

Essays in Experimental Logic (edited with D. Micah Hester), Southern Illinois University Press, 2007

Dewey's Logical Theory (edited with D. Micah Hester and Tom Burke), Vanderbilt, 2002

Sidney Hook on Pragmatism, Democracy, and Freedom (edited with Robert Tempio), Prometheus, 2002