
Oct 2013 An interview for IEEE Control Systems Magazine

Oct 2020    An interview for the SIAM Control Times.

July 2022   An interview by Paul Middlebrooks on the Brain Inspired Podcast

November 2022 An interview by Alberto Padoan on the InControl Podcast

CITATIONS that inspire me:

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  (Max Planck)

Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge.  (Lao Tsu)

Music teaches us the difference between freedom and anarchy (Daniel Barenboim, La musique éveille le temps)

The person who stands before a symphony orchestra is charged with something both impossible and improbable. The impossible part is herding a hundred musicians to agree on something, and the improbable part is that one does it by waving one’s hands in the air. (John Mauceri, Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting)

I believe literature to be the most valuable hoard that humanity has gathered in its quest to understand itself. (Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Prize acceptance speech)

Great artists do not copy what they see, but what they desire (Théophile Gautier)

Beauty will save the world (Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot)

Fascism is not the opposite of democracy. It is its evolution in a time of crisis.   (Bertolt Brecht)

Ce qui il y a de certain, c'est que moi, je ne suis pas marxiste. (Karl Marx)

I am my remembering self, and the experiencing self, who does most of my living, is like a stranger to me(Daniel Kahneman, Thinking fast and slow)

There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.  (W. Somerset Maugham)

Figure out what it is that you don’t do well, and then don’t do it (Douglas Coupland)

Reading is that fruitful miracle of a communication in the midst of solitude. (Marcel Proust)

Faith is not a question of the existence or non-existence of God. It is believing that love without reward is valuable.   (Emmanuel Levinas)

Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think (Hannah Arendt, The human condition)

Chacun, de sa larme secrète, arrose une fleur connue de lui seul. (Salah Stetie, En un lieu de brûlure)