
To make reservations, please click on the following link.

Note: Before working in the lab, students must read the MU Environmental Health and Safety Manual.

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The LAMES lab contains an array of equipment and instrumentation utilized in support of teaching and research works in the area of additive manufacturing. This field has emerged as the method of choice for the fabrication of a broad range of products in various critical applications, such as defense, aerospace, printed electronics, and medicine. This LAMES lab is in support of the following undergraduate and graduate courses: ENGR 240 (Manufacturing Processes); ME 330 (Manufacturing Methods in Design); ME 617 (Additive Manufacturing); and ME 630 (Manufacturing Systems).

The LAMES lab supports the following ABET student learning outcomes:

(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

(d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

(f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

(g) An ability to communicate effectively.

Currently, the LAMES is equipped with two Folger Tech FT-5 large scale 3D printer, two MakerBot Replicator+ printers, and one Stratasys PolyJet printer. These additive manufacturing systems not only allow for rapid-prototyping, but also help researchers and scientists conduct a wide range of experiments, particularly in the areas of fused filament and polyjet deposition.

Folger Tech FT-5

MakerBot Replicator+

Stratasys PolyJet

Partner Labs & Facilities

1. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Lab

2. Thermal Energy Lab