Roozbeh "Ross" Salary, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Department of Biomedical Engineering

College of Engineering & Computer Sciences (CECS)

1211 Weisberg Applied Engineering Complex (WAEC)

Marshall University

Huntington, WV 25755-2586, USA

Faculty Profile | Phone: (304) 696-5678 | E-mail:

Biography: Dr. Roozbeh Ross Salary is an Associate Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences at Marshall University. His current areas of research include Advanced Manufacturing, Computational Modeling, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Currently, Dr. Salary is serving as the director of the Lab for Advanced Manufacturing Engineering & Systems (LAMES) at Marshall University. Dr. Salary is a recipient of the College of Engineering Research Award as well as Pickens-Queen Teaching Award for excellence in both research and education at Marshall University.


Ph.D. State University of New York at Binghamton Industrial & Systems Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing) 2018

M.S. Syracuse University Chemical Engineering 2014

M.S. K.N.T. University of Technology Mechanical Engineering 2008

Research Interests:

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Academic/Administration Positions: