My area of interests are in :
Bayesian Inference
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods
High Dimensional Data Modeling
Functional Data Analysis
Graphical Modeling
Bioinformatics and Genomics
Latent Variable Modeling
Image Processing
Factor modeling
Spatial Statistics
Density Deconvolution
Time series analysis
Probabilistic geometric inference
Measurement error modeling
Tensor modeling
Heterogenous treatment effect estimation
Grant support:
As PI/co-PI: Collaborative Research: Novel Modeling and Bayesian Analysis of High-dimensional Time Series. (DMS–2210281, Thank you, NSF) Duration: 09/01/2022 - 08/31/2025.
As Co-I:
1) U01 AG061389-04 (Todd Manini, David Clark, Rachael Seidler), Multimodal imaging of brain activity to investigate walking and mobility decline in older adults.
2) R01 AG076490-01 (Terence Ryan, PI), Linking kynurenine accumulation and the AHR pathway to exacerbated aging
3) NASA Human Research (Rachael Seidler, PI), Effect of Head-Down Tilt +/- CO2 on Human Glymphatic Function
4) R01 HL132448 (Steven Smith, PI), Antihypertensive Mechanisms of Minocycline in Resistant Hypertension: Role of the gut microbiota-brain-immune axis. Duration: 02/20/2024--02/19/2029 Role: Co-I.
5) R01 NS104772 (Daniel Ferris, PI), Intermittent Visual Perturbations to Enhance Balance Training. Duration: 04/03/2024--02/28/2029 Role: Co-I.
6) R01 AG089050 (Rachael Seidler, PI), Neural Correlates of Cognitive-Motor Interactions in ADRD Gait. Duration: 09/18/2024--08/31/2029 Role: Co-I.