Roy, A., Ghosal, S., Prescott, J., Choudhury, K.R. (2019) Bayesian Modeling of the Structural Connectome for Studying Alzheimer Disease. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Roy, A., Ghosal, S., Choudhury, K.R. (2020) High dimensional Single Index Bayesian Modeling of the Brain Atrophy over Time. (R Code) Bayesian Analysis.
Roy, A., Dunson, D.B. (2020) Nonparametric Graphical Model for Counts (R package). Journal of Machine Learning Research
Roy, A., Karmakar, S. (2020) Analyzing initial stage of COVID-19 transmission through Bayesian time-varying model (R Code) Unsubmitted preprint.
Roy, A., Reich, B. J., Guinness,J., Shinohara, R., Staicu, A.M.(2021) Spatial shrinkage via the product independent Gaussian process prior. (R Code) Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. (Link)
Roy, A., Borg, J. S., Dunson, D.B. (2021) Bayesian time-aligned factor analysis of paired multivariate time series. Journal of Machine Learning Research
Roy, A., Lavine, I.,Herring, A.H. Dunson, D.B. (2021) Perturbed factor analysis: Accounting for group differences in exposure profiles (R Code) Annals of Applied Statistics.
Roy, A., Karmakar, S. (2021) Time-varying auto-regressive models for count time-series (R Code) Electronic Journal of Statistics.
Karmakar, S. Roy, A. (2021) Bayesian modelling of time-varying conditional heteroscedasticity (R Code) Bayesian Analysis.
Roy, A., Ghosal, S. (2021) Optimal Bayesian Smoothing of Functional Observations over a Large Graph (Accepted for the Special Edition "Functional and High-Dimensional Statistics and Related Fields" in the Journal of Multivariate Analysis).
Roy, A. (2021) Multivariate Gaussian RBF-net for smooth function estimation and variable selection (Statistical Analysis and Data Mining) (R-code coming soon).
Giudici, P. , Tarantino, B., and Roy, A. (2022) Bayesian time-varying autoregressive models of COVID-19 epidemics (Biometrical Journal)
Roy, A., Sarkar, A. (2023) Bayesian Semiparametric Multivariate Density Deconvolution via Stochastic Rotation of Replicates (Computational Statistics & Data Analysis) (code)
Jarquin, D.,Roy, A., Clarke, B., Ghoshal, S. (2023) Combining phenotypic and genomic data to improve prediction of binary traits (R package) (Journal of Applied Statistics).
Roy, A. (2023) Nonparametric Group Variable Selection with Multivariate Response for Connectome-Based Prediction of Cognitive Scores (JRSS-C) (code)
Ellis, D., Roy, A., and Datta, S. (2023) Clustering single cell multi-assay omics data with jrSiCKLSNMF. (Frontiers in Genetics).
Duan, L.L., Roy, A. (2023) Spectral Clustering, Spanning Forest, and Bayesian Forest Process (Accepted for JASA-T&M) (code)
Roy, A., Lan Z. (2024+) Double soft-thresholded model for multi-group scalar on vector-valued image regression (Bayesian Analysis) (Presentation)
Lan Z., Roy, A. (2024+) Spatial von-Mises Fisher Regression for Directional Data (Under revision for Technometrics)
Roy, A., Lan, Z., Zhang, Z. (2024+) Diffusion MRI Prediction and Harmonization through Q-space Modeling (Accepted for Data Science in Science for a special edition on Brain Science) (code)
Agarwala, N., Roy, A., Roy, A (2024+) Conic Sparsity: Estimation of Regression Parameters in Closed Convex Polyhedral Cones (Submitted)
Chang, P., Roy, A. (2024+) Individualized Multi-Treatment Response Curves Estimation using RBF-net with Shared Neurons (Accepted for Biometrics, Methodology) (code)
Roy, A., Roy, A, Ghosal, S. (2024+) Bayesian Inference for High-dimensional Time Series by Latent Process Modeling (Submitted)
Zheng, Y., Duan, L. L., Roy, A. (2024+) Consistency of Graphical Model-based Clustering: Robust Clustering using Bayesian Spanning Forest. (Submitted)
Roy, A., Roy, A, Ghosal, S. (2024+) Bayesian Inference for Relational Graph in a Causal Vector Autoregressive Time Series (Submitted)
Data Science
Bhattacharya, S., Roy, A. (2023). Linking stability with molecular geometries of perovskites and lanthanide richness using machine learning methods. (Computational Material Science)
Guzzi, P. H., Roy, A., Milano, M., Veltri, P. (2024). Non Parametric Differential Network Analysis: A Tool for Unveiling Specific Molecular Signatures. (BMC Bioinformatics).
Bhattacharya, S., Roy, A. (2025). A Look Into Solubility Variations Via a Novel Nonparametric Additive Characterization (Submitted)
Wade, F.E., Kellaher, G.K., Pesquera, S., Baudendistel, S.T., Roy, A., Clark, D.J., Seidler, R.D., Ferris, D.P., Manini, T.M. and Hass, C.J., (2022) Kinematic analysis of speed transitions within walking in younger and older adults. Journal of Biomechanics, p.111130.
Downey RJ, Richer N, Gupta R, Liu C, Pliner EM, Roy A, Hwang J, Clark DJ, Hass CJ, Manini TM, Seidler RD. Uneven terrain treadmill walking in younger and older adults. Plos one. 2022 Dec 19;17(12):e0278646.
Huang M, Wang H, Mackey C, Chung MC, Guan J, Zheng G, Roy A, Xie M, Vulpe C, Tang X. YAP at the Crossroads of Biomechanics and Drug Resistance in Human Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Aug 6;24(15):12491.
Shah, V.A., Cruz-Alemida, Y., Roy, A., Cenko, E., Downey, R.J., Ferris, D.P., Hass, C.J., Reuter-Lorenz, P.A., Clark, D.J., Manini, T.M. and Seidler, R.D., (2023) Uneven terrain versus dual-task walking: differential challenges imposed on walking behavior in older adults are predicted by cognitive and sensorimotor function. bioRxiv, pp.2023-03. (Submitted).
Dean, E.A., Roy, A., Lin, R.Y., Gharaibeh, R.Z., Li, D.M., Gauthier, J., Jobin, C., Al-Mansour, Z.A. and Wingard, J.R., 2023. Gut Microbiome Faecalibacterium Abundance in Patients with Plasma Cell Disorders Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Is Associated with Progression Free Survival. Under revision for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy.
Hwang, J., Liu, C., Winesett, S.P., Chatterjee, S.A., Gruber, A.D., Swanson, C.W., Manini, T.M., Hass, C.J., Seidler, R.D., Ferris, D.P. , Roy, A., and Clark, D.J. 2024. Prefrontal cortical activity during uneven terrain walking in younger and older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 16, p.1389488.