Practices at Roseville Area High School
Sundays, 12-2pm
December 3
December 10
December 17
January 7
January 14
January 21
February 11
February 25
March 10
Tournaments are tentative and will be confirmed as we get a confirmation back from the tournament directors. Tournaments with Accepted following the information are confirmed.
Tournament information will be sent out as received. Generally, schedules are not received until Wednesday or Thursday of the week of the tournament. Please contact your coach if you have not received a schedule by Thursday evening.
January 13 - Select, Maple Grove - Accepted
January 28- Heartland Cup, Monticello - Accepted
February 10 - Select, Maple Grove - Accepted
March 3 - STMA, St. Michael- Accepted
Coaches: Kaija Veijums and Melija Vijums
Contact Info: vijumsmelij@icloud.com and kaijavijums@icloud.com