Interesting discussions on 5G

Post date: Dec 4, 2012 4:33:25 AM

From here:

  • 2G was about voice, 3G was about data and 4G is about video. 5G, Sizer predicts, will be about intelligent networks that can handle billions of connected devices while remaining stable and operational
  • "5G won't be about more speed, necessarily," says Tod Sizer, head of wireless research at Alcatel-Lucent's Bell Labs. "It may be faster, but it will be more about meeting the expectation of service quality."
  • It will be up to 5G network technology to know how to prioritize all the things trying to communicate.
  • The standards-setting International Telecommuication Union has not yet created a definition for 5G.
  • But with the rapid pace of change in the wireless industry, current 4G technology alone will be inadequate in just five years

While here:

  • “Millimeter wave communications are the next frontier of the wireless age,”

And here:

  • fresh backhaul designs, explore “self-organising networks” that will be able to optimise themselves with minimal human input, and look at adding a high number of antennas on access points
  • Another key challenge will be in efficiency, as that is something that is not just harming the environment, it is hitting operators’ coffers too

This paper received lot of views recently:

5G radio access - Whitepaper by Ericsson from Zahid Ghadialy

Update on 19/9/2013

Few more related reading materials:

5G ultra-wideband enhanced local area systems at millimeter wave [ here ]

"5G systems should provide more than 10 Gbps peak rate and a round trip time of less than 1 msec"

"A large amount of additional spectrum, both below and above 6 GHz, will be needed to meet the capacity target beyond 2020"

"Some aspects of user experience in a mmWave enhanced Local Area (eLA) system may be at least 20 times greater than that experienced with LTE. This is possible since mmWave uses 50x the bandwidth compared to LTE"

Bridging the spectrum gap with 5G [ here ]