Coherent matter-light interaction, platforms of quantum technologies
Course description here
Exam: 2016-2017
(but, as of the 2017-2018 edition, the exam type has changed to written report on a research article)
LaTex template for the report: here
Articles making the object of the written report (2017-2018 edition)
1) A. Gaëtan et al.
Observation of collective excitation of two individual atoms in the Rydberg blockade regime
(mind the Supplementary Information as well!)
Team: Pollet - Polly
2) S. Kuhr et al.
Coherence Properties and Quantum State Transportation in an Optical Conveyor Belt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 213002 (2003)
Team: Lagoin - Chan
3) T. Meunier et al.,
Rabi Oscillations Revival Induced by Time Reversal: A Test of Mesoscopic Quantum Coherence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 010401 (2005)
Team: Gacoin - Densage
4) W. S. Bakr et al.
A quantum gas microscope for detecting single atoms in a Hubbard-regime optical lattice
Team: Ramborghi - Rouviere
5) J. Hu et al.
Creation of a Bose-condensed gas of 87Rb by laser cooling
(mind the Supplementary Information as well! To be found under "Figures & Data")
Team: Ricard - Lazrak
6) Q. Beaufils et al.,
Laser Controlled Tunneling in a Vertical Optical Lattice
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 213002 (2011)
Team: Pelosse - Ouzit
7) G. Santarelli et al.
Quantum Projection Noise in an Atomic Fountain: A High Stability Cesium Frequency Standard
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4619 (1999)
Team: Dzik - Marquet
8) C. Monroe et al.
A "Schrödinger Cat" Superposition State of an Atom
Team: Athias - Hoang
9) Q. A. Turchette et al.
Deterministic Entanglement of Two Trapped Ions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3631 (1998)
Team: Normand - Bermond
10) D. Vion et al.
Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes and spin echoes in an electrical circuit
Fortschr. Phys. 51, 462 (2003)
Team: Fontaine - Remise-Charlot - Parrenin
11) P. J. Leek et al.
Observation of a Berry's Phase in a Solid-State Qubit
Team: Archambault - Klein
2017-2018 EDITION: scans of the "paper whiteboard" + videos
22/03/2018: paper board scan -- videos part1 part2 part3
29/03/2018: paper board scan -- videos part1 part2
05/04/2018: paper board scan -- videos part1 part2
12/04/2018: paper board scan -- videos part1 part2
26/04/2018: paper board scan -- videos part1 part2 part3
SLIDES (this is an evolving link, with slides being added as the class progresses)
W. Ketterle's MIT class on AMO physics: on youtube!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agu68RGaoWM (and following N videos...)
I. Deutsch's class on quantum optics (I & II) at UNM - Albuquerque
Videos on Paul traps: