
- Plant Databases

- Plant trait databases

  • TRY-DB - plant traits database

  • Kew SID - Kew seed information database

- Fossil databases

- Ecological Datasets

- GIS Tutorials

- Base maps

- Climate

  • Global climatologies for bioclimatic modelling: CliMod

  • Global potential evapotranspiration (Global-PET) and aridity index (Global-Aridity)

  • Bioclimatic variables for mapping species distributions: Bioclim

  • Global climate change scenarios 10 minute grid: 1901-2000

- Soil

- Topographic maps

- Global seismic dataset

- Global Landslides

- Rainfall and flooding

  • Global rainfall and flooding: TRMM

- Landcover map

- Satellite imagery

- Lidar

  • Global scale mapping of canopy height and biomass in 3D: Lidar

- River, stream, water-related

- DEM (Digital Elevation Model)

- Volcanos of the world

- Basemaps

- Biodiversity datasets

- Online tools

  • Taxonomic Name Resolution Service(TNRS): Standardizing plant names taxonomy datasets

- Python-related

- Online datasets

- Bibliography manager

- Phylogenetics


+R basics

+R tutorials

+R graphics and labels

+R in vegetation analysis

+R spatial analyses and maps

+R and phylogenetic analyses

-Web Utilities

  • convert json file to csv:

  • compress image:

  • convert to PDF:

  • convert PDF to Excel:,

  • OCR for image/PDFs to text: