Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Ph.D.

Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Corson Hall | Cornell University

215 Tower Road

Ithaca, NY, 14850

Tropical Plant Ecology and Environmental Research in the Andes-Amazon region

E-mail: roosevelt.garcia(at)

Brief profesional experience and interests: 

Roosevelt García-Villacorta holds a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) and Master's Degree (MSc.) from the University of Missouri, Saint Louis, USA. Roosevelt has extensive fieldwork experience in plant biodiversity inventories in remote places of the Peruvian Amazon, Ecuador and Guyana. He has participated in biodiversity studies that have supported the creation of new protected areas in the Pastaza, Yavarí, Bajo Napo (Maijuna) and Yaguas-Cotuhé river basins. He has experience in evaluating the environmental impacts of megaprojects in the Peruvian Amazon such as roads, national energy network, river waterways, and hydroelectric dams. Currently he is working on the development of strategies and methodologies for the recovery of Amazonian ecosystems impacted by gold mining in the Madre de Dios region, southern peruviana Amazon, especially the mitigation of its impacts and the recovery of its soil biodiversity, ecosystem services and functions. He is interested in investigating the key ecological variables to recover forest ecosystems of the Amazon as well as the use of cutting-edge technology for their restoration, conservation, and monitoring.

Previous Host Institutions: 

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, (UK)

University of Michigan (UM), USA

University of Missouri, Saint Louis, (UMSL), USA

Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana, (UNAP), Peru