Research interest

  • Impact of water resources management on water quality, ecosystem (riparian and aquatic) and river restoration

  • Channel and floodplain connection and fluvial processes

  • Surface and sub-surface flow interaction (ground water and hyporheic flow) and its implications for ecological processes

  • Application of Experimental Advance Airborne LiDAR (EAARL) system (Green LiDAR) for water resources management

  • Future impacts of climate variability on aquatic and riparian ecosystems and water resources management

Vegetation Dynamics: Benjankar et al, 2011: Journal of Environmental Management)

Flood mapping (2D model): Eagle Island, Boise, Idaho

Error analysis of field and EAARL (Green LiDAR) surveyed bathymetry (Tonina et al, 2019: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms)

Aquatic habitat mapping and validated with fish observation location (Benjankar et al. 2018: Ecohydrology)