


36. Tonina, D., McKean, J., Isaak, D., Benjankar, R., Tang, C., Chen, Q. (2022). Climate Change Shrinks and Fragments Salmon Habitats in a Snow-Dependent Region. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (12), 1-10. Doi:

35. Paudel. S., Benjankar, R. (2022). Integrated Hydrological Modeling to Study the Effect of Different Precipitation Sources on Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology in a Small Watershed. Hydrology, volume 9, 1-18;

34. Benjankar, R., Kafle, R., Satyal, S., Adhikari, N. (2021). Analyses of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Salt Concentration in Waterbodies Based on High Resolution Measurements Using Sensors. Hydrology, volume, 8, 1-20. Doi:

33. Duffin, J., Carmichael, R. A., Tonina, D., Yager, E., Benjankar, R. (2021). New tools reveal multi-scale riverine topographic variability and its influence on Chinook. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

32. Benjankar, R., Kafle, R. (2021). Salt Concentration Measurement Using Re-usable Electric Conductivity–based Sensors. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, volume, 232, 1-16. Doi:

31. Benjankar, R., Tranmer, A.W., Vidergar, D., Tonina, D. (2020). Riparian vegetation model to predict seedling recruitment and restoration alternatives. Journal of Environmental Management, 276, 1-12. Doi:

30. Tranmer, A.W., Benjankar, R., Tonina, D. (2020). Post-wildfire riparian forest recovery processes along a regulated river corridor. Forest Ecology and Management, 478, 1-13. Doi:

29. Tonina, D., McKean, J., Benjankar, R., Yager, E., Carmichael, R. A., Chen, Q., Carpenter, A., Kelsey, L. G., Edmondson, M. R. (2020). Evaluating the performance of topobathymetric LiDAR to support multi-dimensional flow modeling in a gravel-bed mountain stream. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 2850-2868. Doi:,

28. Benjankar, R., Woo, H., Takashi, A., (2020). Editor’s Note: Riparian vegetation processes – Knowledge, modeling and management. Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research 30, 1-2, Doi:,

27. Carmichael, R. A., Tonina, D., Keeley, E. R., Benjankar, R., See, K. E., (2020). Some Like It Slow: A Bioenergetic Evaluation of Habitat Quality for Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Lemhi River, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77, 1-12. Doi:

26. Tranmer, A.W., Weigel, D., Marti, C.L., Vidergar, D., Benjankar, R., Tonina, D., Goodwin, P., Imbergerg, J., (2020). Coupled reservoir-river systems: Lessons from an integrated aquatic ecosystem assessment. Journal of Environmental Management, 260, 1-14.

25. Sohrabi, M.M., Tonina, D., Benjankar, R., Kumar, M., Kormos, P., Marks D., Luce C., (2019). On the role of spatial resolution on snow estimates using a process-based snow model across a range of climatology and elevation. Hydrological Processes, 33, 1260-1275.

24. Benjankar, R., Tonina, D., McKean, J., Sohrabi, M.M., Chen, Q., Vidergar, D., (2019). An ecohydraulics virtual watershed: integrating physical and biological variables to quantify aquatic habitat quality. Ecohydrology, 12, 1-14.

23. Stewart, R., Gill, K., Anders, P., Hoffman, G., Merz, N., Polzin, M.L., Benjankar, R., (2018). Collateral Benefits: River Flow Normalization for an Endangered Fish Promotes Riparian Woodlands. Wetland science & practice, 35 (No. 3 Special Issue), 239-240.

22. Tonina, D., McKean, J., Benjankar, R., Wright, W., Goode, J. R., Chen, Q, Reeder, W. J., Carmichael, R. A., Edmondson, M. R. (2018). Mapping river bathymetries: Evaluating topobathymetric LiDAR survey. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44, 507-520.

21. Sohrabi, M.M., Tonina, D., Benjankar, R., Kumar, M., Kormos, P., Marks D., (2018). Role of Temporal Resolution on Meteorological Inputs for Process‐Based Snow Modeling. Hydrological Processes, 32, 2976-2989.

20. Benjankar, R., Tonina, D., McKean, J., Sohrabi, M.M., Chen, Q., Vidergar, D., (2018). Dam operations may improve aquatic habitat and offset negative effects of climate change. Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 126-134.

19. Tranmer, A.W., Marti, C.L., Tonina, D., Benjankar, R., Weigel, D., Vilhena, L., McGrath, C., Goodwin, P., Tiedemann, M., Mckean, J., Imbergerg, J., (2018). A hierarchical modelling framework for assessing physical and biochemical characteristics of a regulated river. Ecological Modelling, 368, 78–93.

18. Weigel, D.E., Vilhena, L.C., Woods, P., Tonina, D., Tranmer A., Benjankar, R., Marti, L., Goodwin P., (2017). Aquatic habitat response to climate-driven hydrologic regimes and water operations in a montane reservoir in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Aquatic Sciences, 79, 953–966.

17. Sohrabi, M.M., Benjankar, R., Tonina, D., Isaak, D.J., Wenger, S.J., (2017). Estimation of Daily Stream Water Temperatures with a Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Approach. Hydrological Processes, 31, 1719–1733.

16. Benjankar, R., Tonina, D., Marzadri, A., McKean, J., Isaak, D.J., (2016). The influence of bed-form induced hyporheic flows on salmonid spawning site selection. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121, 1222–1235.

15. Egger, G., Politti, E., Lautsch, E., Benjankar, R., Rood, S.B., (2016). Time and intensity weighted indices of fluvial processes: a case study from the Kootenai River, USA. River Research & Application, 33, 224–232.

14. Jill, G., Tonina, D., Morehead, M.D., Fiedler, F., Benjankar, R., (2016). Effect of transect location, transect spacing and interpolation methods on river bathymetry accuracy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41, 1185–1198.

13. Tranmer, A.W., Goodwin, P., Tonina, D., Benjankar, R., Tiedemann, M. (2015). Floodplain sustainability and dynamic-equilibrium conditions in a canyon environment. Geomorphology 250, 147-158.

12. Egger, G., Politti, E., Lautsch, E., Benjankar, R., Gill, K.M. and Rood, S.B., (2015). Floodplain Forest Succession Reveals Fluvial Processes: A Hydrogeomorphic Model for Temperate Riparian Woodlands. Journal of Environmental Management 161, 72-82. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.06.018

11. Benjankar, R., Yager, E., Tonina, D., Merz, N., (2015). REI: Riparian Ecosystem Index to assess the impact of hydrologic regime changes on riparian ecosystem. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1621,

10. Benjankar, R., Burke, M., Yager, E., Tonina, D., Egger, G., Rood, S.B., Merz, N., (2014). Development of a spatially-distributed hydroecological model to simulate cottonwood seedling recruitment along rivers. Journal of Environmental Management 145, 277-288

9. Benjankar, R., Tonina, D., McKean, J., (2014). One-dimensional and two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling derived flow properties: Impacts on aquatic habitat quality. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, 340-356

8. Marzadri, A., Tonina, D., Mckean, J.A., Tiedmann, M.G., Benjankar, R., (2014). Multi-scale streambed Topographic and Discharge Effects on Hyporheic Exchange in Confined Streams at the Stream Network Scale. Journal of Hydrology 519, 1997-2011

7. Benjankar, R., Koenig, F., Tonina, D., (2013). Comparison of Hydromorphological Assessment Methods: Application to the Boise River, USA. Journal of Hydrology 492, 128-138.

6. Benjankar, R., Yager, E.M., (2012). The impact of different sediment concentrations and sediment transport formulas on the simulated floodplain processes. Journal of Hydrology 450-451, 230-243

5. Benjankar, R., Jorde, K., Yager, E.M., Egger, G., Goodwin, P., Glenn, N.F., (2012). The Impact of River Modification and Dam Operation on Floodplain Vegetation Succession Trends in the Kootenai River, USA. Ecological Engineering 46, 88-97

4. Egger, G., Politti, E., Garófano-Gómez, V., Blamauer, B., Ferreira, T., Rivaes, R., Benjankar, R, Habersack, H., (2013). Embodying interactions of riparian vegetation and fluvial processes into a dynamic floodplain model: concepts and applications. Ecohydraulics: an integrated approach. Edited by: Ian Maddock, Atle Harby, Paul Kemp and Paul Wood. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK

3. Egger, G., Politti, E., Woo, H., Cho, K.-H., Park, M., Cho, H.-J., Benjankar, R., Nam, L.J., Lee, H., (2012). A Dynamic Vegetation Model as a Tool for Ecological Impact Assessments of Dam Operation. Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research 6, 151-161

2. Benjankar, R., Egger, G., Jorde, K., Goodwin, P., Glenn, N., (2011). Dynamic floodplain vegetation model development for the Kootenai River, USA. Journal of Environmental Management 92, 3058-3070

1. Benjankar, R., Glenn, N., Jorde, K., Egger, G., Goodwin, P., (2010). Comparison of Field-Observed and Simulated Map Output from a Dynamic Floodplain Vegetation Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. GIScience & Remote Sensing 47, 480-497