Frequently Asked Questions About Jaguar Track and Field

1. When does the 2024 Track Season start?  The first day of practice is March 11th, 2024, 5:30-7:30 pm.

2.  When does the season end?  The current date for the State Meet is June 6-8th.  

3.  What method of communication is used to convey information to the team?  We use email as our primary means of communication.  This is how coaches will communicate with the team and how we ask families to communicate with us.  If an athlete will be gone from a practice, we ask that the family emails the coaches to let us know.  It’s really hard to keep track (pun intended) of handwritten notes at an outdoor practice.

4.  Where are practices held?  Practices are usually held at Willow Creek Middle School.  Sometimes we meet at different locations in Rochester for specific workouts, but this will always be announced in advance.

5.  How many days a week do practices take place?  We usually practice Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 5:30-7:30 pm.

6.  Does the team really practice outside in all weather conditions, even rain and snow?  Yes.  We are outside for some or all of practice almost every day of the season.  Please dress appropriately!  It is pretty rare for us to cancel practice due to the weather unless it is unsafe to drive to the facility due to road conditions or there is the threat of lightning and we do not have access to an indoor facility.  If we cancel practice due to inclement weather, we will communicate this with the team via email by 4:00 pm.  Athletes should never assume we will have access to the inside of Willow Creek Middle School.  

7.  How long has the team been in existence?  The Jaguar Track and Field team began in 2013 and became a part of the MN State High School League during the 2015-2016 school year. 

8.  Are any of the coaches paid?  All of the Jaguar coaches are volunteers.

9.  Can I pick the events that I will participate in at a meet?  At the beginning of the season the coaching staff will ask for each athlete’s preferences as far as what events he or she would like to compete in.  We do our best to honor these preferences, but also must keep the needs of the team in mind at the same time.  You may be asked to compete in an event that is not on your preference list.  You may even find that you like it and didn’t even know it ;)

10.  Does everyone participate in the meets?  Everyone, regardless of ability, is guaranteed at least one event at meets.

11.  How many meets are there during the season and where are they held?  Currently our meet schedule can be found on the "Schedule" tab on this website.  Typically, we will have one junior high meet and one varsity meet a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.  Most of our meets are located about an hour away from Rochester.

12.  How long does a typical meet last and am I required to stay the entire time?  Most meets last 3-4 hours and athletes are required to stay and support their teammates the entire time.  Also, sometimes an athlete may be asked last minute to be a substitute in an event for a sick or injured teammate.  This can happen at any time during the meet.

13.  Are practices mandatory?  Yes.  Even though a lot of track and field is individual, it is a team sport.  An athlete will not be able to perform at his or her best ability if he or she is not present at practices.  If an athlete is unable to practice the day before a meet, due to an injury or other commitment, the athlete may not participate in the meet the next day.  Exceptions may be made at coaches’ discretion.

14.  Do all grades practice together?  Yes.  All athletes grades 7-12 practice at the same time.  Workouts may be modified for different ages and/or abilities.

15.  Do all grades compete together?  No.  Athletes in grades 7-8 will compete in junior high meets.  Athletes in grades 9-12 will compete in varsity level meets.

16.  Does the homeschool team offer the same events as the local high schools?  Almost.  We offer all of the same events as the area high schools except for pole vaulting.  

17.  What should I wear to practice?  Layers.  Layers.  Layers.  Practice temperatures can range from 35 to 70 degrees (although we don’t usually get many of these days) and ANY kind of precipitation.  Oftentimes during a workout an athlete will be able to remove some layers as the workout progresses, but will want to add layers during a cool down or as temperatures start to drop for the day.  Please note that if leggings are worn to practice, a pair of shorts MUST be worn over the top of them.  Also, please be mindful of the neckline of the shirts that are worn and also STRONGLY consider wearing compression shorts under regular shorts as part of our practices have stretching and core work involved and we want to make sure that everything that should be covered, stays covered.

18.  Do I need any special equipment?  The only necessary equipment is a good pair of running shoes.  Do not go with the cheapest pair that you can find.  A good pair of shoes will help prevent both short and long term injuries.  

19.  Do I need to run at practice?  Yes.  Even if you do not choose a running event as one of your preferred events, everyone will do running to get into shape for the season.