Special COVID Links

Use of Zoom in class

In our class, we will be using Zoom for synchronous (same time) sessions. The link is available on Canvas and Piazza.

Please make sure that your Internet connection and equipment are set up to use Zoom and able to share audio and video during class meetings. (See this page from Computing Resources for information on the technology you are likely to need.) Let the TAs know if there is a gap in your technology set-up as soon as possible, and we can see about finding solutions.

Sharing video: In this course, being able to see one another helps to facilitate a better learning environment and promote more engaging discussions. Therefore, our default will be to expect students to have their cameras on during lectures and discussions. However, I also completely understand there may be reasons students would not want to have their cameras on. If you have any concerns about sharing your video, please email the TAs as soon as possible and we can discuss possible adjustments. Note: You may use a background image in your video if you wish; just check in advance that this works with your device(s) and internet bandwidth.

  • During our class meetings, please keep your mic muted unless you are sharing with the class or your breakout group.
  • If you have a question or want to answer a question, please use the chat or the “raise hand” feature (available when the participant list is pulled up). The TAs will be monitoring these channels in order to call on students to contribute.
  • Our synchronous meetings will involve breakout room discussions, and those will work better if everyone in your small group has their camera turned on. During large group debriefs, you may keep your video off.