
Coincidences are Gods way of remaining anonymous...?

I say, they can be Gods way of Speaking to us. ♥

I met spaceman Bruce/Robert one day 6 years ago in Berkeley, we never lost touch.

He happened into Santa Cruz and our coffeehouse on 'opening day' he worked with me 1 year.

He sat verse by verse through our teaching in John.

I became friends with his family through FB.

He left Santa Cruz in a hurry in a kayak, 1 day last October.

He landed in Monterey.

we never lost communication.

Robert had his major heart attack there.

Robert died, I was with him.

Papa and I go bicycle riding in Monterey, we happen to run into Daniel Hansen our former street kid. Daniel recently came to know God.

Daniel also met a Beach Preacher Brian Bajari in Monterey.

Daniel wants the Beach Preacher to meet me and they come to Santa Cruz yesterday and meet me at the Abbey.

I say Brian you are my FB friend, how do I know you???

Brian says through 'spaceman Robert' O.o

Brian says on Easter Sunday Robert sat cross legged on the Beach in Monterey and watched a service and Baptism, then Robert asked to be baptized and characteristically stripped down to his boxers :-)))

Brian led him once again through the story of Jesus and asked is this a decision Robert wanted to make...

Robert says yes!!!

spaceman Robert is baptized on Easter Sunday on Monterey Beach! ♥

He never told me this story...Robert died 1 week later.

Through Daniel, Brian and God...I am assured of the 'rest of the story'...

no coincidence, I couldn't hold back the tears...It was the piece of the story, I needed to hear! ♥

Robert is 'Alive' with Jesus!

Steven Michael Millington-Foster so good call on the 'spoon inscription!!!'