
The aim of the workshop is to bring together a number of experts in RNA structural, dynamical, and functional properties. We invited a mixture of practitioners of molecular dynamics, structural bioinformatics, and experimental probing methods such as X-ray and NMR, and we hope this workshop will be an occasion to foster new collaborations.

The workshop will take place at SISSA in Trieste, Italy, on May 24-27, 2016, and will be sponsored by a ERC grant. Trieste is nicely located close to the border between Italy and Slovenja, and is less than two hours from Venice. The workshop will begin on Tuesday morning and end on Friday at lunchtime, so as to leave to the participants the possibility to travel back home in the afternoon or to easily reach some nice location in Italy, Slovenja, or Croatia for the weekend.

Poster prize winners

  • Student poster price: Richard André Cunha: "Dissecting Mg2+-RNA interactions using atomistic molecular dynamics"
  • PostDoc poster price: Leonardo Darrè: "Looking at RNA through η/Θ glasses"