Coffee Stain Effect

When a solution or a particle containing suspension droplet dries, the solute is often distributed on the substrate in an interesting ring pattern, usually in the vicinity of a (pinned) contact line. Higher rate of evaporation near the periphery of the drop causes a flow of liquid along with the particles or solute towards the contact line or periphery. As a result the solute concentration rises near the periphery and deposit there first. Most of the solute deposits near the periphery of the drop. ‘Coffee stain effect’ phenomenon is a result of complex interplay of marangoni flow, thermo-capillary flow, Rayleigh-Bennard convection, osmotic pressure driven flow and stick-slip flow (pinning depinning of contact line).

We are currently looking into the Evaporative patterns created by Colloidal suspension and polymer solution drop on different types of substrates such as biomimetic patterned substrates, dissolving substrates, soft deformable substrates etc.

Coffee ring formation by colloidal suspension drop evaporation

Coffee stain pattern on a dissolving substrate