Further academic activities


IEEE since 2005 (chair of Latin American Infrastructure Working Group of the Power and Energy Society -PES-)

CIGRE since 2008 (ex-member of steering committee of NGN CIGRE UK)

INFORMS since 2014

I was also a member of the Mathematical Optimization Society during 2012-2013.

Reviewer activity


IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

IEEE Systems Journal

IET Renewable Power Generation

Energy Policy

Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks

Operations Research

Applied Energy


IEEE PES General Meeting 2010-2015

IEEE PES Powertech 2013, 2015


IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin American 2015

PSCC 2016, 2018

Solar World Congress (SWC), 2019

Research councils


Conicyt, Chile.

Organiser/chair of panel/special sessions

2018 ISCI CES Workshop, Santiago, Chile (with Matías Negrete and Daniel Olivares, PUC & ISCI): "Tercer CES Workshop: Renewable, Flexible and Resilient Energy Grid"

2018 ISCI, Santiago, Chile (with Francisco Munoz, Adolfo Ibanez University): "Seminario Impuesto a las emisiones en Chile en el Sector Eléctrico Desafíos a un año de su entrada en vigencia"

2018 INFORMS, Phoenix, USA (with Francisco Munoz, Adolfo Ibanez University): "Equilibria in Low-Carbon Electricity Markets"

2018 IEEE PES General Meeting in Portland, USA (with Yury Dvorkin, New York University): "Business Models for Energy Storage"

2018 IEEE PES General Meeting in Portland, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): "Flexibility services in markets with variable renewable generation"

2018 IEEE PES General Meeting in Portland, USA (with Alexandre Street, PUC-Rio de Janeiro): "Planning under deep and multiscale uncertainty: The role of flexibility and adaptability"

2017 ISCI CES Workshop, Santiago, Chile (with Matías Negrete and Daniel Olivares, PUC & ISCI): "Segundo CES Workshop: Intelligence and Flexibility in Future Electricity Markets"

2017 INFORMS, Houston, USA: "Storage and Flexibility in Energy Systems"

2017 ISGT Europe, Turin, Italy (with Pierluigi Mancarella, The University of Manchester): "Understanding system resilience in critical infrastructures"

2017 IEEE PES General Meeting in Chicago, USA (Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): "Network Cost Allocation: Who Should Pay for Green Network Infrastructure?"

2017 IEEE PES General Meeting in Chicago, USA (with Alexandre Street, PUC-Rio de Janeiro): "Planning 21st-Century’s Electricity Infrastructure under Uncertainty: Challenges and Opportunities"

2017 PowerTech in Manchester, UK (with Pierluigi Mancarella, The University of Manchester): "Disaster management and resilience in electric power systems"

2016 INFORMS in Nashville, USA: "Power transmission planning under uncertainty"

2016 IEEE PES General Meeting in Boston MA, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “Opportunities and Challenges for International Integration and Multi-Sector Coordination of Energy Systems”

2015 IEEE PES General Meeting in Denver CO, USA (with Alexandre Street, PUC-Rio de Janeiro): “Emerging Optimization Models and Concepts to Design Transmission Networks in Modern Power Systems”

2015 IEEE PES General Meeting in Denver CO, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “Demand Response in Fast Growing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities”

2014 IFORS in Barcelona, Spain (with Alexandre Street, PUC-Rio de Janeiro): "Robust and Stochastic Models for Electricity Systems"

2014 IEEE PES General Meeting in Washington, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “The Market, the Prices and the Subsidies: the Real Cost of Power”

2013 IEEE PES General Meeting in Vancouver, Canada (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “Power System Expansion: New Challenges, Developments and Best Practices in Systems with Strong Growth”

2012 ISMP in Berlin, Germany (with Luiz Barroso, PSR): "Optimisation Models for Renewables Integration"

2012 IEEE PES General Meeting in San Diego, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “Smart Solutions for Fast-Growing Electric Systems”

2011 IEEE PES General Meeting in Detroit, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “Deploying tomorrow's electric power systems: low carbon, efficiency and security”

2010 IEEE PES General Meeting in Minneapolis, USA (with Bernardo Bezerra, PSR): “Global impacts of renewable energy”

Research projects and sponsors

My research has been benefited from projects with a number of institutions.

In electricity network operation and planning/design (security, adequacy and resilience, flexible AC/DC technology, protection and corrective control, uncertainty, robustness and proactiveness)

Newton fund (RCUK/EPSRC - Conicyt), UK and Chile jointly.

Conicyt-Fondecyt, Chile.

Conicyt-Fondef, Chile.



European Commission, EU.

National Grid, UK.

E3G, UK.

Transelec, Chile.

Chilectra/Enel, Chile.


Fraunhofer, Chile.

Inter-American Development Bank, USA.

SPEC, Chile.

In electricity network access, pricing and regulation

Ofgem, DECC, BERR, UK.

RWE NPower, UK.

Endesa/Enel, Chile.

In electricity storage

UK Power Networks, UK.

Valhalla, Chile.

In electricity markets and contracts

World Bank, USA.

Comision Nacional de Energia, Chile.

Asociacion de Empresas Electricas, Chile.

Systep, Chile.

In solar and wind power integration

Conicyt-Fondap, Chile.

Acera, Chile.

In multi-energy networks and systems

British Gas, UK.

Comision Nacional de Energia, Chile.

Codelco, Chile.

Ministerio de Energía, Chile.


Member of the Advisory Committee (Consejo) of the Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile.

Member of the Postgraduate Council, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile.


Finalist, National Prize for Innovation Avonni Energía 2020.

Recipient of the Newton Prize, awarded by the British Government in recognition for excellent research and innovation, 2018.

Listed in Who's Who in the World, Marquis, 2016.

Listed as Notable ex-Student of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.