This web site is run by the RMC Class of 1975.

Our mission:

To provide an on-line presence for the members of the “RMC" graduating class of 1975,

To exchange information about our class, the RMC Club, and the Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association Inc regarding reunions, status of classmates, fund-raising, class projects, etc.

** Please bring any errors or omissions to the attention of the class Webmaster.**


[this page last updated: March 18, 2025 ]




* Also known as * 

“Badging Weekend (BW)”

The countdown is on!

The RMC Class of 1975 will celebrate our 50th year from graduation at RWE 2025, September 12 and 13, 2025, and we will also celebrate five years seniority as members of the Old Brigade.




* Also known as * 

“Badging Weekend (BW)”

** UPDATE **

Old Brigade Dinner - Registration and Ticket Purchase

Members of this year’s Entry class and Recognition class; the classes of 1980 and 1975, may purchase tickets starting Monday, March 17th for the Old Brigade dinner on Saturday September 13th.  Doors will open at 18:00 for the reception, with dinner starting at 19:00.

Go to our Logistics-Planning page for further details and a link to registration.

** Classmates **  If you haven't done so, 

Please fill out our Reunion Attendance survey. Click here:

The focus of RWE 2025 will be on grad year cohorts ending in 5 and 0, ("That's us Baby!" and welcoming our newest Old Brigade members, the Class of 1980.  

The Old Brigade is one large family.  Whether we attended RMC, RRMC or CMR, everyone is welcome at all Old Brigade gatherings.

All the details for our RMC Class of 75 RWE 2025, including class schedule, accommodations, correspondence, and list of classmates attending can be found under the Reunion 2025 page.

We hope to see you there!



** Future Reunion Weekends **

"The Commandants of RMC Kingston and CMR Saint-Jean, in coordination with the Club and other key stakeholders, have schedule Reunion Weekend (RWE) dates to coincide with the end of their respective First Year Orientation Programs (FYOP). 

This means that all College events such as obstacle course and badging ceremonies will still occur during Reunion Weekends, but those weekends will now take place approximately 2 weeks after Labour Day ( mid-September, not end-September).  

Near-term future dates for RWE as published on the RMC Alumni website are as follows:

2025: 11-13 Sept (Class of 75) / Classes ending in 0/5

2026: 17-19 Sept (Class of 76) / Classes ending in 1/6

2027: 16-18 Sept (Class of 77) / Classes ending in 2/7

2028: 14-16 Sept (Class of 78) / Classes ending in 3/8 


An ongoing project to track down all our classmates. 

Please visit the "OP RECONNECT" page, if not already done so.

*** It's located under the Class Muster Sheets tab ***


Please visit the Wall of Honour section of our website and read how you can nominate a candidate for recognition in 2026. Click Here:

CLASS of 75 


Google Groups is a service from Google that allows people sharing common interests to participate in threaded conversations, share data, either through a web interface or by e-mail.

The Class of 75 Google Group has been created for RMC/CMR Class of 75 alumni members. 

Note:  In order to join the group and participate in discussions and exchange data, you require either 1) a gmail address, or 2) a Google account.  

Google allows other email providers (Shaw, Rogers, Yahoo, Bell, etc) to log into this service, but that email address must be linked to a Google account.

Click on the "Class of 75 Google Group" tab at the top of the page and follow the instructions.

Our Web Site

As you can see, our web site layout and format have changed. 

Google has updated their web site to a new format with new options and capabilties.

Please spend some time on our new site, navigating the sections and the new features. 

Your feedback, comments, suggestions are welcome and encouraged by emailing either: 

Class Secretary (Cam Carbert)@<cam.carbert.rmc75@gmail.com>

WebMaster (Rick McCarthy) @<10716mccarthy@gmail.com

Thank you,

 Rick McCarthy, RMC Class of 75 Webmaster