Seely Draft EIR
The Draft EIR is posted again.
The City is restarting the public review period for 45 days to ensure the general public and all interested agencies are properly informed and have time to provide comments regarding the adequacy of the analyses in the Draft EIR.
No changes to the project description, technical analysis, and mitigation measures have occurred since the previous circulation of the Draft EIR. The public review period for this Draft EIR is from March 19, 2024, through May 3, 2024. Written comments must be received at the Planning Department by 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2024, to be addressed as part of the formal EIR review process.
Please keep in mind: There will be no reconfiguration or signalizing of the intersection of Seely and Montague per the planner who emailed RONA's President. No Left Turns to and from Seely. The county of Santa Clara also has confirmed that there will be no flyover between Trimble and Montague.
There are lots of Appendixes but if you can read at least one Appendix and make comments that would be great. Major concerns are Traffic Patterns on River Oaks Parkway, the Seely/Montague issue, and Air Quality.
Project website: 0 Seely Avenue Mixed Use Project | City of San Jose (
exact text for url:!/
The public is welcome to review and comment on the draft documents linked below.
Public comments must be submitted to the Environmental Project Manager no later than 5:00 PM on May 3, 2024.
For the official record, please reference File No. PDC21-035/PD22-002.
Email Bethelhem Telahun at
FILE NOS: PDC21-035, PD22-002, & ER21-284
The project is a Planned Development Rezoning to an Industrial Park IP(PD) Planned Development Zoning District and a Planned Development Permit to allow demolition of existing residential and agricultural buildings and removal of 584 trees (261 ordinance-size trees and 323 non-ordinance-size trees) for development of 1,472 residential units consisting of a mix of three-story townhomes and six- to seven-story apartment buildings, 18,965 square feet of general neighborhood retail space, and a 2.5-acre public park. The project also includes the dedication of an approximately 0.11 acre site to the San Jose Municipal Water System for the development of a domestic water well.
The approximately 22-acre project site is generally located at 0 Seely Avenue. The site is surrounded by commercial/office uses and Epic Way to the north, the Coyote Creek Trail to the east, Montague Expressway to the south, and Seely Avenue to the west. The existing zoning and general plan designation of the site is Industrial Park and is located in the North San José Employment Area.
097-15-033 , 097-15-034, and 097-66-004
The EIR will be circulated for public review and comment from March 19, 2024 to May 3, 2024.
The public is welcome to review and comment on the draft documents linked below. Public comments must be submitted to the Environmental Project Manager no later than 5:00 PM on May 3, 2024.
Project website: 0 Seely Avenue Mixed Use Project | City of San Jose (
exact text for url:!/
Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR from the Planner
(SCH# 2022020565)
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Seely Avenue Mixed-Use Project is now available for public review and comment. The project is a Planned Development Rezoning to an Industrial Park IP(PD) Planned Development Zoning District and a Planned Development Permit to allow demolition of existing residential and agricultural buildings and removal of 584 trees (261 ordinance-size trees and 323 non-ordinance-size trees) for the development of 1,472 residential units consisting of a mix of three-story townhomes and six- to seven-story apartment buildings, 18,965 square feet of general neighborhood retail space, and a 2.5-acre public park. The project also includes the dedication of an approximately 0.11-acre site to the San Jose Municipal Water System for the development of a domestic water well.
Location: The project site is bounded by Seely Avenue to the west, Montague Expressway to the south, Coyote Creek to the East, and Epic Way and existing commercial properties to the north.
APNs: 097-15-033, 097-15-034, and 097-66-004
Council District: 4
File No.: PDC21-035, PD22-002, and ER21-284
The proposed project will have potentially significant environmental effects to air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, noise, and transportation. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires this notice to disclose whether any listed toxic sites are present at the project location. The project location is contained on a list of hazardous materials sites maintained by the State in accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 65962.5.
The Draft EIR and documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available for review online at the City of San José’s “Active EIRs” website at and are also available at the following locations:
Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement
200 East Santa Clara St., 3rd Floor San José, CA 95113
(408) 535-3555
Dr. MLK Jr. Main Library 150 E. San Fernando St.,
San José, CA 95112
(408) 277-4822
West Valley Branch Library 1772 Educational Park Dr.,
San José, CA 95133
(408) 808-3073
This Draft EIR was originally circulated for public review between January 18, 2024 and March 11, 2024. The City is now restarting the public review period for 45 days to ensure the general public and all interested agencies are properly informed and have time to provide comments regarding the adequacy of the analyses in the Draft EIR. No changes to the project description, technical analysis, and mitigation measures have occurred since the previous circulation of the Draft EIR. The public review period for this Draft EIR is from March 19, 2024, through May 3, 2024. Written comments must be received at the Planning Department by 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2024, to be addressed as part of the formal EIR review process.
Comments and questions should be referred to Bethelhem Telahun in the Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement via e-mail at, or by regular mail at the following mailing address:
Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement 200 E. Santa Clara Street, 3rd Floor
Attn: Bethelhem Telahun
San José, CA 95113
For the official record, please email or mail your written comment letter and reference File No. PDC21-035/PD22-002.
Following the close of the public review period, the Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement will prepare a Final Environmental Impact Report that will include responses to comments received during the review period. At least ten days prior to the public hearing on the EIR, the City's responses to comments received during the public review period will be available for review and will be sent to those who have commented in writing on the Draft EIR during the public review period.
Thank you.
Tina Garg
Supervising Planner | Planning, Building & Code Enforcement
City of San José | 200 East Santa Clara Street
Work: (408)-535-7895