May 2021

3 Wells proposed at the future Agnews Regional Park

The city of San Jose wants to take 1.6 acres from the future Agnews park for 3 Muni Water pumping stations. Part of the 1.6 acres will include a park corporation yard.

Here is the City of San José link regarding the proposal:

RONA is against losing anymore park land in North San Jose. We have already lost around 25 acres due to the Army Corp of Engineers creating the levee along Coyote Creek and taking away the designated park land there. North San Jose has a park deficit and losing any park land is a detriment to the neighborhood. It should be noted that this is not the first time the city has tried to take park land from us. Just recently they tried to take away a portion of the Iris Chang Park for a well for Microsoft's data center.

Below is the Park Advocates statement.

Agnews 2021Ap4 IS-MND comments-SJ Parks Advocates.pdf

Written response by City staff.

Response to May meeting.docx