February 2023

RONA met on February 1, 2023



The proposed Seely park needs more comments from the neighborhood. 

What do you want to see in the park? RONA is pushing for a larger park; min of 3.5 acres. If you don’t speak up, then the Parks Department thinks we don’t care and will do what the builder wants. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let us squeak!  

We need a pickle ball courts, volleyball courts, maybe a Par Course, a dog run. Please see the box at right and follow the link to take part in the survey. Deadline is Feb 5, 2023 at midnight.

Hugo from D4 is going to contact BeautifySJ and have them go out and talk to the persons who have trash and multiple trailers of trash lined up along the street and try to get it cleaned up. 

Information about the Seely Project is here. 


Also discussed was concerns regarding mail theft and possible solutions. One suggestion was informed delivery. You can see a picture of what the mail person is delivering daily. Another was Hold Mail. 

Informed Delivery: https://www.usps.com/manage/informed-delivery.htm

Hold Mail: https://www.usps.com/manage/hold-mail.htm

Also consider going to White Pages and Opting out of the Sale of your Personal Information
