9/2/2015 -- Meeting Minutes

Post date: Oct 3, 2015 4:49:52 AM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Premier Pizza at 7:00-8:00pm

Old Business

  1. Cresendo Tree Removal

  2. @Jean, thank you for reply. There are two trees on River Oaks that were tagged for removal. The reason was it was causing sidewalk to rise. The Landscape Committee at Crescendo proposed installing rubber sidewalk as alternative solutions to tree removal. Rubber sidewalk is widely used in Peninsular city such as Redwood Cities to address the issue. I think these two trees are not in plan to be removed for now.

    1. It was noted that there is also a grove of redwoods near Lockheed and the Boston Properties site that may be of interest for future protection.

  3. Logo for RONA

  4. Marcelle is currently working on setting up a website so that we can put images there for people to vote on. She will coordinate with Laura (the current webmaster) and make sure it links with ro-na.org and any other sites where the information is posted.

  5. Status of Epic's park call Parks commission

    1. There will be two community meetings regarding the project: one in early November and another in early January. Mary Ann stressed the importance of making sure that these meetings are not totally run by the developers.

New Business

  1. Update of EIR Agnews

  2. Agnew Site: Elementary/High School: TimeLine: Larry Adams spoke at the Alviso Association. He said they got approval for the toxic soil clean up and it is out to bid. They need to widen the eastside of Zanker Road. Next spring will start cleaning and demolishing all the buildings, too much asbestos in them. Architectural design will take a year. Will do outreach with the neighbors. It will take 1.5 years for construction so it is about 3 to 4 years out for a new school. Will try to save the water tower, but if they can’t then it will come down also. Right now they are updating George Man Elementary.

    1. There will be a meeting in Alviso regarding their progress on the George Mann Elementary School; Jean will attend.

  3. Boston Properties Site

    1. It will be important to make sure that the trucks working on this project take a sensible route to prevent street damage, avoiding Research. Tree impact will need to be carefully watched.

    2. Mahn Nguyen is our new District 4 City Councilman

  4. Alviso Association meeting is second Wed of every month

  5. Stephanie Fong: ROP is on the Pavement List for 2015

  6. Bike Lanes on ROP

    1. Cole communicated with John Brazil, who said that the bike lanes will be placed in conjunction with the pavement maintenance project.

    2. Mary Ann saw a series of circular markers, about bike lane-distance from the sidewalk, along River Oaks, which may be the first step of the installation.

  7. Activities See Below:

    1. Day on the Bay, October 11th

    2. Santos Family 10th Year Free Car Show. September 5th

    3. South Bay Salt Pond Symposium October 22nd