
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:22:24 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday September 14, 2011

7:00pm @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Mike

Laura was not at this meeting, minutes are incomplete.

Agenda items:

  • Welcome back RONA board! Things have been quiet after Measure A failed.

  • Fundings for new parks (eg Crescent Park)

  • The city will discuss this in the upcoming taskforce meeting.

  • Discuss Mike's questions from 12/2/2010.

  • Put out flyers for NSJ Taskforce Meeting September 19.

  • Cindy Smith is wanting to get the River Oaks Shuttle (ROP to VTA) going again. Thinking of getting Essex and @First added to the route.

  • Construction issues: dump trucks shouldn't be travelling on ROP. Streetlights are "falling down." Construction dirt on the roads, need more streetsweepers. Complaints sent to city and have been addressed. Will try to get direct contacts for construction sights to improve complaint response time.

  • Next meeting Oct 5th.