
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:25:17 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday July 5, 2012

7:00pm @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Laura

Agenda items:

  • Entries due for Elizabeth Anabo BRICC Awards 2012. Jean and Mike to fill out the application form.

  • On Saturday, August 11, there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open River Oaks Park. 11am to 1 pm. This event will also include a resource fair. CM Chu's District 4 office has invited RONA to have a booth at the event. Do we want one? Answer: Yes, Laura will coordinate.

  • Any news on Agnews purchase by SCUSD? Jean says she hasn't heard anything. Laura will ping Larry Adams of the SD.

  • Jean thinks this is a done deal: Irvine has bought 5 of the 6 blocks of the Wyse/RIverView project.

  • Cisco is building 2 huge parking structures at corner of Zanker and Tasman. Someone needs to head over there and get a photo of their notice board.

  • New yahoogroup: riveroaksparents.