
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:03:27 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday June 19, 2007

6:30 PM @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Mike, Laura, Marcelle, Erik, Leigh, Christine

    1. City Council Meeting: August 14, 2007

        • Message Discipline:

            • We support the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

            • If the Council decides to take up the issue on the 14th, then we urge then to require a rectangular park at the corner of Research and River Oaks.

            • Speakers are advised to represent themselves as residents rather than RONA members.

        • Advertising:

            • Car sharing can be arranged via the yahoogroup discussion board.

            • Mike and Rhonda will put up sandwich boards on the Saturday prior to the meeting

            • Flyers should be posted two weeks prior to the meeting (i.e., beginning August 1st), and as usual everyone on the Board is encouraged to assist.

            • Jean will work on getting information about the meeting published in HOA newsletters

        • Speeches:

            • The Council will likely impose the one minute rule

            • Mike will help with writing speeches for others to read

        • Emailing Council Members

            • In the past Council members have demonstrated responsiveness in reading email messages prior to meetings

            • Erik will draft a letter to be sent by residents to all eleven Council members

            • The letter format for the letter will be as follows: the policy says X, Zito said Y, the process has started but is not yet complete, and we have concerns about fees, etc.

            • Residents are asked to email Council members now and on August 13th.

    2. First NSJ Task Force meeting on July 25, 2007

        • Jean and Laura (as Mike's alternate) will represent us, and the community at large is invited to attend the meeting

        • Jean, Mike, and Laura will meet with the RDA facilitator on Monday to discuss the six items that we have agreed that should be included in the master plan

        • The first meeting will focus on goal setting and establishing the process by which the Task Force will operate

        • Jim provided input to the Task Force via email; the key point is that the proposed park was never reviewed by the Parks Commission

    3. Mike reviewed the traffic study for SONY. He felt that overall it was a good study, but he was concerned that it did not look at the intersection of Montague and River Oaks, and it assumed that cars would not turn right onto River Oaks from the SONY/Irvine site.

    4. Our next meeting will be on August 2nd with Boston Properties. We also agreed to meet on August 8th to prepare for the City Council meeting.