
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:19:52 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday June 2, 2010

7:00pm @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Jim, Laura, Mike

  • Shuttle Bus: We will continue to support the HOAs in their efforts to get the shuttle bus situation sorted out. Brocade has contacted us asking if the shuttle could be extended to their site at 237 & North 1st. RONA should also try to get new developments along ROP to also contribute to shuttle costs.

  • Milpitas voted against the Walmart expansion. See the Mercury News article.

  • Cisco is asking the city to re-zone the northern and eastern sections of the Agnews site as commercial so that they can build a new high-density campus. The recent staff report on it is: here. The portion of the Agnews site along ROP and Zanker is not part of this proposal: some buildings on that section are historical and thus not something Cisco is interested in.

  • At the end of June, the city council will vote whether to extend the PD permits for construction in NSJ. RONA will watch that closely, since there have been rumors about changes in park fee structures.

  • Summer hiatus: Next meeting in first week of September.