
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:13:46 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday June 19, 2008

7:00 PM @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Laura, Eric, Jim, and Abhay

    • Inclusionary housing in San Jose

        • 4 council-members are against the proposals coming up to the city council. It would require 20% in every developement in SJ, but the details are still not nailed down. Note that the NSJ area already requires 20% because we are a redevelopment district.

        • Four articles pf background information: Inclusionary Zoning: A Viable Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis?, Pros and cons: right to buy, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and The Pros and Cons of Inclusionary Zoning.

        • Inclusionary means that the affordable units are indistiguishable and interspersed among the full-price units. There will be no seperate buildings

        • The board is in full support of an inclusionary housing policy for San Jose of at least 15% of units, with no exceptions, waivers, trading or in-lieu fees.

        • Developers are dead-set against this policy, because it cuts into their profits. They also tend to make cost-analysis comparisons to cities without an inclusionary housing policy -- watch out for such "apples vs oranges" comparisons.

        • One unpleasant side-effect is that developers will want to put in higher density developments to offset the cost of these affordable units; however since NSJ is already the highest-density in SJ (and already has a inclusionary policy) it won't directly effect us.

    • Essex/Cadence passed rezoning.

    • Wyse park meeting is 6/24, flyers have gone around.

    • Upcoming elections for CA state assembly: Paul Fong (Democrat) is running (so far unchallenged). He (or any opponent) will be the one in office when Agnews gets sold off by the state government. We should introduce ourselves (and invite CM Kansen Chu) and put in our request to fight for Agnews to become city property for public facilities.