5/6/2015 -- Board Meeting Minutes

Post date: Jun 6, 2015 11:58:29 PM


From RONA: President Jean Marlowe, V. President Mike Bertram, Officer-At-Large: Marcelle Kube, and members Mary Ann Chatelain and Vlad Raykin

From City of San José, Council District 4 Office: Council Assistant Asim Khan

From Candidates, Councilmember District 4: Cole Niblett, Manh Nguyen's representative


  1. Should we endorse any of the candidates running for District 4?

  2. RONA does not want to endorse anyone. It was decided that RONA will send out a questionnaire to the candidates. Not just NSJ focused, but all of SJ focused. Will post responses online.

  3. Logo criteria for RONA

      1. The logo must fit in a square. This is because most applications make use of a square logo. Rounded corners are okay.

      2. The logo can be seperate of the letters "RONA".

      3. The letters "RONA" should be considered part of the design. Ready-made fonts are okay.

      4. Color logos are okay, but the logo must also work in black and white.

      5. Things to keep in mind.

          • What the neighborhood will look like in the future. For example, there will be a school. Our population will be larger, etc.

          • While River Oaks is part of our name, there are very few oaks in the neighborhood.

          • Palo Alto has a tree logo. It would be nice not to have a logo that is confused for theirs, or anyone else's, for that matter.

      6. All ages are welcome to submit designs. The designs will be posted online and the neighborhood will get to vote on what are their favorite designs. This is for the residents of the neighborhood, so we want this to be designed by the neighbors.

  4. Any news on street work, damaged curbs, and replacement of pavers at Research and ROP by Irvine?

  5. Mary Ann received the following email from Joseph Dyke, Associate Engineer, City of San Jose:

        1. Pavement on ROP, Zanker to Montague

            • City Project: The City, through its Department of Transportation (DOT) has a number of pavement projects that are scheduled for later this summer. In particular, the City will be: i) Resurfacing ROP from Montague to Research Parkway and ii) Removing and replacing failed asphalt from Research Parkway to 1st St. and slurry sealing this section soon after.

            • Irvine: In addition, Irvine Apartment Communities (Developer of 405 and Crescent Village) will be doing resurfacing improvements along their project frontage on River Oaks Parkway to Research Place (both sides of the streets). The work will include the replacement of failed pavement as directed by the Public Works Development inspector. This will occur before the City’s pavement project on River Oaks Parkway.

        2. Curb and sidewalk repairs along ROP: The Public Works Inspector will ensure that all the Developers repair the curb/sidewalk that was damaged during construction. However any existing (prior to construction) curb and sidewalk that needs replacement, that the Developments did not damage, are the responsibility of the adjacent property owners. Those items would not be the Developer’s responsibility and is not within the Maintenance District scope.

        3. Paver repair at major intersections along ROP: Irvine Partners will also be replacing all of the pavers at the intersection of Research Place and River Oaks Parkway. For the damaged pavers located at River Oaks Parkway and Seeley Drive, the Epic Developer will be responsible for replacing and fixing the pavers that were recently installed by them that have been damaged as a result of construction activities at their development. The Public Works Inspector will be working with the Developer and DOT to determine the appropriate fix.

        4. Plant/Irrigation repair/replacement in the ROP median: Irvine will be working with City staff to repair and replant the areas that were damaged/removed as a result of their construction activities. For any landscaping that needs replacement, the City is in the process of evaluating the appropriate drought tolerant species of plants that will address the current drought situation while remaining aesthetically pleasing.

    1. Who do we talk to about building a ramp to the levee that connects to the bikeway? Only Parkside and Millbrook residents have access to the path between Parkside and Millbrook: it's private access only. Milpitas has a ramp over on their side of the levee. Should we talk to Irvine?

    2. Asim will check into this.

    3. Other news from Asim:

      1. Philips will be putting in Smart Poles along N. 1st Street to boost cell phone reception. This is the first test area in San Jose.

      2. Water issues are being discussed.

      3. There is a District 4 budget and he would like to get RONA's input. Some things mentioned were: potholes, cross walks, pavers, median, better VTA, focus on small business. We want to think village, and we would like a community center. In regards to crosswalks, we would like to see some sort of flashing signage on ROP and Research. The plantings in the area will likely be drought resistant and flowering.

      4. City planners have decided they want to do a series of investigations of all the area water and waste management sites to discover what is the real source of the "Milpitas Smell" and think about the future of San Jose and waste management.

    4. Adjournment.