
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:11:06 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday April 3, 2008

6:30 PM @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jim, Jean, Laura, Erik, Abhay

    • Jean hasn't heard back from Cisco yet. Will ping them again, and if that doesn't work, will ask Ru Weerakoon of the redevelopment agency to help setup a meeting.

    • CM Chu's office has given us some flyers about post.

    • At RONA's request, CM Chu's office is organizing a Traffic Calming Community Meeting with the Transportation Department in April. It is tentatively scheduled for April 17th. Jim found some materials to prepare us for the meeting from the SJDOT's website: a Traffic Calming Toolkit, a Stop signs Brochure, and a Crosswalks Brochure. RONA-Board discussed some ideas for traffic and safety improvements in the neighborhood, and prioritized the two following issues as critical safety issues:

        1. A crosswalk across ROP someplace between Seely and Research. Preferably this would be located at either the Parkside/Avalon driveways or the Millbrook/Crescendo driveway. The rationale is (a) general usage patterns right now indicate a crosswalk is needed, and (b) there is no safe location to cross if you are coming from the south side of ROP to get to the creek trail gate between Parkside and Millbrook.

        2. Change the traffic-light at ROP and Zanker to have a left-turn arrow on the ROP section. This light faces into the sunset at evenings and is currently a safety hazard.

    • RONA-Board also listed the following issues and concerns:

        1. Eliminate the problem of drivers trying to turn left from Cisco Drive onto ROP; currently the common method is to do a right and then do an (often illegal) u-turn around the center median.

        2. Make Research and ROP a 3-way stop. Currently drivers on ROP ignore the right-of-way of pedestrians in the crosswalk there. Making it a 3-way stop would also discourage cut-through traffic from Seely.

        3. Close off Seely @ ROP, eliminate the cut-through traffic. This would also improve the traffic-spacing in morning/evening commute, currently the Seely stop sign spaces out cars on ROP just enough to make crossing or entering the traffic flow difficult.

        4. Install sound-enabled crosswalk devices and other disabled-person improvements around the area. What is the schedule for these improvements as our population grows?

        5. Install a permanent radar trailer to discourage speeding along ROP.

    • We're looking forward to hearing more feedback from our neighbors at the DOT meeting.