
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 8:59:35 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday, 12 April 2007

6:30 PM Premier Pizza

Present: Jean, Jurgen, Mike, Abhay, and Erik

    1. District 4 Candidate Forum

        • The forum will be held on May 17, 2007, from 7-9 PM in the multi-purpose room at Don Calljon School, 4176 Lick Mill Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054.

        • The date and time were selected specifically to fit Hon Lin's schedule. Both parties have agreed to attend, and Jean will solicit written confirmations.

        • Laura will be asked to e-mail an announcement and solicit questions from everyone on our mailing list. We will select questions and nail down a format at the next Board meeting.

        • Mike will moderate the forum. Marcelle will keep time.

        • Regarding press coverage, Mike has a contact at the Mercury with whom he'll speak. Erik will draft a press release for the Mercury, Berryessa Sun, and NBC-11.

        • Richard Santos from Alviso has requested a role in the forum. Jean will ask him to submit Alviso related questions and to contribute to rental costs.

        • Jean will ask Laura to advertise the event on our Website.

        • Jean has paid $130 +$50 for insurance to reserve the multi-purpose room. Donations to defray the cost will be solicited.

    2. The community workshop scheduled by the City for April 14, 2007 has been moved to April 21st. Members of the Board have posted new flyers throughout the neighborhood, and the City mailed post cards to every household in River Oaks.

    3. Jean and Mike recently met with Pete Constant. Several more meetings with Council members have already been planned. The only two members with whom a date has not yet been scheduled include the Mayor and Oliverio.

    4. Erik will write a note to the Planning Commission members following up on his invitation at a recent Commission meeting to go on a tour of our neighborhood.

    5. Jean will follow up on the ten e-mails that bounced when a recent posting went out to residents about the upcoming community workshops.

    6. Jean would like to bring Ed Rast - who is involved in organizing the Neighborhood Commission - to the River Oaks area.

    7. Minutes from the last meeting have been sent to Laura for posting on our site.

    8. Upcoming RONA meeting:

        1. April 26th: Board meeting to plan candidate forum

        2. May 3rd: Board meeting

        3. May 10th: Board to attend annual parent meeting at Don Callejon School to discuss impact of Vision NSJ on the local schools

        4. May 17th: Candidate forum

        5. May 24th: Board meeting

    1. Beginning in May the Board meetings will take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month so that Jim Foran can generally be in attendance.

    2. Robert has resigned from the Board.