3/4/15 -- Board Meeting Minutes

Post date: May 21, 2015 5:18:28 AM

  • Retail

    • Residents feel that not enough retail space has been provided in North San Jose

      • Lack of grocery stores is a big issue.

      • Most residents shop outside of San Jose (Santa Clara & Milpitas)

      • Developers have picked up large parcels for residential and office construction.

  • Infrastructure

    • Roads in the River Oaks area need to be patched and repaved.

      • Pot holes and damage from trucks and heavy traffic.

      • Developers need to be held accountable for damage to the roads.

    • The medians in North San Jose are damaged and not uniform.

      • Medians are being damaged by construction trucks

      • Those that are repaired are not uniform

      • Some medians have grass and ones that are repaired have cement

      • RONA would prefer grass on all medians for beauty and uniformity

    • Public Safety

    • Police is no longer responding to alarms in the RONA area.

      • Most of the police are in South San Jose during the evening hours

      • Recently there have been muggings and break ins

        • RONA suggested that residents still report incidents to the police

    • Homeless along the creek

      • Makes residents feel unsafe along creeks and trails

      • Some residents are now avoiding creeks and trails all together

    • Transportation

    • Traffic on River Oaks Pkwy and Montague

      • Traffic study on this intersection may be necessary

        • Speeding

        • Implement no right turn?