
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:09:57 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday February 27, 2008

6:30 PM @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Jim, Mike

    1. Scheduled a meeting with Heather Richman, gov't Affairs Manager, at Cisco Systems this Friday at 11:00 am, Feb 29th . Jean will be confirming the time and date with Heather.

    2. Essex wants to do a telephone conference Friday Feb. 29th at 10:00 with Mike, Jim and Jean regarding their project on Seely.

    3. Election date has been set for March 15th at Alviso Library from 12:30 to 2:30 pm. Decided that the easiest way to do this is:

        • To identity who the Board Members are and what position they have.

        • Identify positions that have no incumbents, ie Secretary and Ambassadors-At-Large

        • If anyone wants to be on the Board to just put their name in the hat and put it out to the Rona members to vote on line or come to the library and vote. Jean to ask Laura to put it on the Rona site one more time.

    4. Discussed sending a member to be on the new Neighborhood Commission being formed. Mike said he would take a look at maybe representing us. He needs to know how much time it will take up in his life as he is very busy with work. Jean said she will go to keep our presence out there. There will be a meeting March 5th at Quail Hills Apartments 1260 Piedmont Road.

    5. Jean said there was a very good turnout for the Neighborhood Update. Twenty people showed up.

    6. Hand outs were:

        • Kansen Chu handout regarding the selection process for the New Neighborhood Commission that is being formed.

        • Registration form and information from the City of San Jose on the above.

        • NSJ Policy Area and PDO and PIO Implementation Information from the North San Jose Task Force.