
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:23:51 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday February 1, 2012

7:00pm @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Mike, Laura, Sheila Ngo (District 4)

Agenda items:

  • Flyers for 401/405 ROP. Jean had 900 names, city had 1000 names. Everyone in River Oaks should be getting 2 flyers. If you don't, I'd suggest you contact district4@sanjoseca.gov and complain about missing development notices, specifically say you didn't get one for PCD11-018 and you were in the notification area.

  • Neighborhood should watch out for theives stealing copper from our street lights at night.

  • As noted on these city memo's staff proposal, and city council approvals, the city has decided to defer collecting traffic impact fees above $5 per sqft for new industrial buildings in NSJ until the building is actually occupied (rather than when it's built). This temporary incentive program will only be in effect from Feb. 1, 2012, to June 31, 2014, and would be capped at 1 million square feet of net new development. The full-rate fee is currently $12.69 per sqft in NSJ. The city basically will have to fund the difference until the new development is occupied. Other than the obvious, one of the reasons this is being done is it makes it easier for the city to apply for federal grant money.

  • What do we want to bring up at the 401/405 ROP community meeting?

    • Number 1 priority: the park deal, to use Irvine money to build and maintain the Essex park. We need a FIRM commitment on this, with timeline and dates. We are losing the park that NSJ taskforce wanted on Cisco property since Cisco has decided to keep their land. We want amenities. We are concerned that city is not committed to making this a viable community.

    • Want to express dissatisfaction with the height. The city might have won that battle with the land use plan, but we are still not happy with it!

    • Police: the police response times are ridiculous. Need more police presense in the area.

    • Construction start/stop dates. Make sure Irvine stays in touch with us with construciton issues.

    • Traffic mitigation, crosswalks.

    • Community wants to keep the street trees. Parkside wants a privacy screen.

    • We don't like public streets to nowhere (west side of property).

    • We'd like to see levee trail access on the NW corner of the property. Even if the water district is obstinate.

    • Need urgent care and medical access in the immediate area.

  • We need to hold RONA Board Elections again. Laura will look into this.

  • Changing meeting times to first THURSDAY of the month.