
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 8:55:57 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Present: Jean, Mike, Rhonda, Marcelle, Abhay, Jurgen, Robert, and Erik

    1. Discussed plans for Sony Site (Community Meeting Scheduled for 2/8/07 @ 6:30 PM)

        1. Currently a three acre park is slated for the plot of land between Cisco Drive and Parcel #2.

            1. We would like to see the park moved to Parcel #3 to provide 7 net/usable (i.e., sod, not parking) acres.

            2. If the City and Irvine agree to this, we are willing to agree to higher overall density, particularly along Zanker.

            3. A park in this location would provide a height/ density buffer, and it would be centrally located for the benefit of both new and existing developments.

            4. We would support a height gradient whereby buildings along Zanker start out very high, and buildings become gradually shorter the closer they are located to Research Place.

        2. Traffic

            1. We want substantial traffic calming

                1. Stop signs and lights, especially at Cisco Drive and River Oaks if this isn't to be an EVA only entrance/exit;

                2. Street narrowing with islands;

                3. Speed bumps (not an ideal solution, but preferred to no traffic calming at all)

                4. 25 mph speed limit on River Oaks

                5. Prohibit thru commercial vehicles on River Oaks

            2. Our goal is for the main entrance/exit to be located on Zanker. We do not want any entrance/exits on River Oaks, except for a possible EVA at Cisco Drive.

            3. There was discussion on prohibiting turns from the entrance/exit at Cisco Drive and River Oaks.

        3. Jean and Mike will hold a pre-meeting with Irvine.

        4. Robert and Jurgen will draft a statement of the concessions we are willing to make in exchange for a 7 net acre park on Parcel #3, substantial traffic calming, a height gradient, and adequate retail services included in the development. This draft will clearly state that our concessions apply only to this development, as we continue to oppose super high density developments in NSJ, particularly adjacent to our two story neighbourhood at Cadence.

        5. Regarding Cadence, we will continue to push for a 5 acre park on the site.

    2. Mike posted responses to the City's responses to our questions.

    3. Robert

        1. Regarding Reed's statement at the last community meeting that he will continue to represent us on the Council, City policy states that the Mayor is to oversee issues and concerns of un-represented areas, but he has neither seat, voice, nor vote on our behalf.

        2. Robert has asked Reed's office for clarification, and despite promises, no response has come.

    4. Marcelle:

        1. We should all review the proposed bylaws before our next meeting, at which time we should select the bylaws we want to adopt.

        2. Reminder that we should all log our volunteer hours for matching grant purposes. Each hour counts as a $16/hr. in kind expenditure for RONA.

        3. We all have email accounts at ro-na.org, and it is now possible to post files on our neighbourhood website.

    5. Our next Essex/Cadence meeting is TBA. It is unclear whether the City and the developer plan to answer questions posed at the last meeting. Mary Ann sent an email to inquire on the status of the shade and shadow study.

    6. Jean lobbied Irvine to post three planning signs on the Sony site.

    7. Jeff Roche is no longer assigned to the developments slated for our area.

    8. Mike:

        1. Will post work schedule for master planning for parks.

        2. Per City policy, the City should hold up re-zoning of Sony until the sign off of this master plan.

        3. We should be contacting Dave Mitchell with our ideas for parks.

        4. 15 acre narrow park (including school yard) at Lick Mill may be a model for parks in River Oaks.

    9. Erik:

        1. Looking for volunteers to attend City Council meeting of 2/6.

        2. Our goal is to introduce ourselves to the new Council and provide ourselves with a chance to speak to our concerns before the scheduled hearings, at which time councillors will already be decided.

    10. The City is on the verge of hiring a consultant to develop design guidelines for NSJ. Given where they are in the process, we are uncertain how those guidelines will apply to Sony and Cadence. We would like to know how we will be allowed to participate in the process. We have concerns about set backs, height and density buffers, and the matching of the look and feel of new developments to existing Mediterranean style planned communities.

    11. Erik will ask Jim Foran whether or not the City has first dibs on land at Agnews East when it goes for sale.

    12. Next meeting 2/15 @6:30 PM.