
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:06:12 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Thursday December 20, 2007

6:30 PM @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks

Present: Jean, Laura, Marcelle, Eric, Abhay

    1. Essex/Cadence action plan: Jean went door-to-door and found three people willing to be ambassadors. One person answered the email willing to post flyers. We're continuing with the plans, next step is flyers on the weekend of 12/29.

    2. Also, Jean has been in contact with Jean Dresden, who (volunteers?) gets communities interacting in the planning process before the community meetings. They went in and got an updated Essex map as well as the city's critique of 405 ROP. Ms. Dresden also send an email with questions to the planning office, with a specific complaints about sun/shadow concerns for the park and concerns about the height of the rear tower affecting a heron rookery along the creek.

    3. For the Essex property, our stance is:

        • 4 stories residential use + 1 story parking maximum elevation; 60-foot setback; trees for privacy screen between Crescendo and Essex;

        • traffic should not dump directly onto ROP, the main entry/exit should be on Seely to avoid dangerous situation on ROP;

        • exterior styling should integrate with current community; and

        • park stance based off of Jim's knowledgeable opinion:

        • No part of the levee or flood control channel should count as park acreage. If the park is to be located next to the levee (or elsewhere) it should be reachable by a publicly accessible community trail similar to those in the rest of the village. Preferably, that would be between the site and Crescendo. The plan must include a publicly accessible ramp to the levee and funding should be dedicated for eventual trail paving (which is planned but not funded).

    4. Upcoming events are the 1/7 Essex/Cadence community meeting and the 1/16 State of the City Breakfast (where RONA will be accepting an award).