11/2/2016 -- Board Meeting Minutes

Post date: Nov 4, 2016 5:17:01 AM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Elan Meeting Room, 7:00-8:00pm


From RONA: President Jean Marlowe, VP Mike Bertram, Secretary Laura Carns

Lan Diep, City Councilmember-Elect, San Jose City Council, District 4

and 1 other community members.


    1. Lan Diep's status: the election is officially over and decided in his favor, but a lawsuit is still pending from Manh Nguyen. Mr. Diep will take office in January, and has posted job openings for his staff positions. Mr. Diep asks if RONA has any ideas for service projects in the ROP area -- he's hoping to combine a swearing-in ceremony with Martin Luther King Day/Day of Service. If anyone has any ideas, contact Mr. Diep.

    2. District 4 offered RONA a $500 grant. We decided to decline, the bank account still holds about $1500 and we're not going through it very fast. Most of our expenses are the webpage.

    3. Missing streetlight is now fixed.

    4. Crosswalk at Research & ROP is still dangerous, especially at night in the dark and with the increased foot traffic. We're hoping that the school will provide an opportunity to upgrade to add "push a button for flashing warning lights" feature.

    5. Agnews construction has started! They broke ground last Thursday.

    6. For Crescent Village, Irvine paid the remainder of their Park Fees into a special park-maintenance fund. The $622,000 was supposed to be spent over 10 years on River Oaks Park. Park Department does not seem to be using it, park is getting run down. Current Irvine local management wasn't aware that that fund existed. We are following up with Parks Department and Irvine on improving the park maintenance. We will also ask for a audit of the fund so we can find out where the money is going.

    7. Iris Chang Park -- aka Epic Park -- the Master Plan was approved yesterday. The sod will be replaced with the nice plan that the community has approved. Construction begins 2017, park should be open 2018.