
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 8:54:13 PM

River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Present: Jean, Mike Jurgen, Marcelle, and Erik

    1. Marcelle has started a website upon which to post information about the issues affecting our neighbourhood. The address is www.ro-na.org.

    2. Marcelle is also investigating opportunities for grant funding. Because we are a new organization without funds of our own yet, we will not qualify for grant funding this year. Marcelle has been studying the requirements for grant funding. The City normally matches associations dollar for dollar of their own spending, and there are certain categories of funding for which they look, e.g., block parties. Every hour an individual spends volunteering for the association counts as $16.00 in spending, so we should all keep logs of our volunteer hours. In-kind spending on behalf of the organization can also count if it is documented.

    3. After Marcelle has studied other neighbourhood budgets, she will make recommendations to the Board on how we should best spend funds once we raise them. Jean has proposed that after having an idea how best to utilize resources, that we should send mailers asking everyone who has joined our association to contribute $10.00 in dues and then open a checking account. Local businesses can also contribute funds and other resources, but RONA would be unable to patronize any business that contributes.

    4. Jean shared a Business Journal article about how residents in the vicinity of Santa Row were able to block plans for a high density complex in their neighbourhood. Jean will serve as a contact with their neighbourhood association to understand the process by which they achieved this victory. It was also discussed that an ultra high density project on San Pedro along the Guadalupe River green corridor was blocked because of the lack of height/ density buffers between the proposed development and surrounding neighbourhoods. Apparently the Parks and Recreation Department was instrumental in achieving this victory.

    5. The Metro recently published an article about Vision North San Jose. Mike and Jean had plans to meet with the Business Journal on Friday (1/12) to discuss our concerns for an upcoming article.

    6. Erik proposed that several residents visit an upcoming Council meeting to speak during oral communications about our issues. The purpose would be to introduce ourselves to the new Council, to show our strength and organization, and to let the Council know that we will be present to speak at Planning Commission and Council hearings on the subject of rezoning in our neighbourhood. It is important to influence the Councillors in advance of those meetings, as most members will already have their minds made up by the time those hearings transpire. Jean and Mike expressed that they would prefer to meet with Council members one-on-one. It was decided that both approaches could be used to influence the Council. Erik will issue an appeal over the yahoo group for volunteers to attend and to recruit others to attend. A group of 20 or more would be ideal.

    7. The City has provided written responses to some of the verbal questions posed by the community at the recent Cadence meeting; however, they are ignoring our written questions. Mike has posted their responses on the Yahoo group, and he is developing a rebuttal to those responses as well as a list of yet unanswered questions. He will forward this to the City staff when it is complete.

    8. On Wednesday, 17 January there will be a Parks Commission meeting at 5:30 on Cottle Road. Vision NSJ will be on the agenda. Mike plans to attend and welcomes anyone else who might be available.

    9. The City is working on development guidelines for the overlays included in the NSJ plan. These guidelines will specifically address set back requirements. The City has expressed interest in including us in the development of these guidelines. Mike plans to ask the City staff how we will be allowed to participate. He will also ask how the City is handling the fact that guidelines have not yet been developed despite the City's insistence that it still plans to go forward with its plans for Cadence and Sony by 2008. To date, it would appear that the City has not hired the consultant that it agreed to hire to assist with this process.

    10. Mike pointed out that contrary to assurances at the recent community meeting, the traffic report included in the EIR did not study the intersection at Zanker and River Oaks. There was discussion on whether or not we could argue that the EIR is thus inadequate.

    11. Via the Metro article, Mike was approached by council candidate Jacquelyn Bates who would like to meet with us. Although RONA will most likely support Jim Foran, as he lives in our neighbourhood and shares our concerns about Vision NSJ, we decided that we should not turn away any candidate who is willing to listen to us given the uncertainty of the election outcome.

    12. Jim Foran has begun his campaign and is looking for volunteers to help with precinct walking. Erik and Jean planned to help out, and others are needed/ welcome to participate.

    13. Marcelle provided evidence that Vision NSJ may be based upon a Richmond, Virginia's redevelopment model. It was suggested that we study this further to find out whether or not the people of Richmond are generally pleased with what their city government has done there.

    14. The City is interested in forming a Neighbourhood Association Commission. Jean attended a planning and information session about that on our behalf. The first caucus is scheduled for autumn. There were concerns that a commission might be the City's way of controlling neighbourhood associations, but it was agreed that given that such a commission will be formed regardless, we ought to have a voice on that commission.

    15. Jurgen proposed that there ought to be a way to better organize our Yahoo group files, and he is willing to work on this issue.

    16. Erik will be attending a budget setting and neighbourhood priority setting session on January 20th on behalf of our association.